The Android-Kotlin Development Guide

The Android-Kotlin Development Guide
199.99 USD
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LayoutsRes FilesToastViewSetOnClickListenerIntentWebViewIc Icon LuncherAPKPutExtraIntentFilterGet Data From ActivityTextWacherAnimationList ViewCustom ListViewRecycler ViewGrid ViewSpinnerLayoutInflaterAlertDialogFragmentsScrollable Tabs((Material Design))Data StorageLocation((Firebase)) Should you learn Kotlin?Now that Google are pushing so hard for Android developers to use Kotlin, we are seeing a dramatic shift to Kotlin - It’s similar to the iOS situation a few years ago with Objective-C when Apple released Swift. Fast forward a few years and everyone is using Swift. This is starting to happen with Android app development. Developers who used to use Java are switching to Kotlin. You can see why Google want this to happen. They have been in court numerous times with Oracle (the owners of Java) relating to a dispute over the use of the Java language. Google want developers to adopt Kotlin so that they don’t have to worry about Java any more. The recent Google I/O conference show mainly Kotlin code examples. You can see where we are heading. Kotlin is the future for Android app development. Soon there will be few Java developers writing Android apps - they will be using Kotlin. The good news is, we’ve bundled a complete Kotlin tutorial we wrote from scratch with the course. So not only do we use Kotlin in this course (teaching best practices along the way), but we also include a complete Kotlin tutorial as well. You will learn how to use the Kotlin language in this course.