Talend Open studio, database, warehouse course by mahesh

Talend Open studio, database, warehouse course by mahesh
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Talend Open studio course by mahesh (Mahesh is Not Talend company employee and this course is not from Talend company) Exporting Metadata as context Chapter 1Data integration and Talend Studio Data analyticsOperational integrationExecution monitoring 2 Chapter 2Getting started with Talend StudioImportant concepts in Talend Open Studio for Data IntegrationLaunching Talend Open Studio for Data IntegrationHow to launch the Studio for the first timeHow to set up a projectWorking with different workspace directoriesHow to create a new workspace directoryWorking with projectsHow to create a projectHow to import the demo projectHow to import projectsHow to open a projectHow to delete a projectHow to export a projectMigration tasksSetting Talend Open Studio for Data Integration preferencesJava Interpreter pathExternal or User componentsExchange preferencesLanguage preferencesDebug and Job execution preferencesDesigner preferencesAdding code by defaultPerformance preferencesDocumentation preferencesDisplaying special characters for schema columnsSQL Builder preferencesSchema preferencesLibraries preferencesType conversionUsage Data Collector preferencesCustomizing project settingsPalette SettingsVersion managementStatus managementJob SettingsStats & LogsContext settingsProject Settings useStatus settingsSecurity settingsChapter 3Designing a data integration JobWhat is a Job designGetting started with a basic Job designHow to create a JobHow to drop components to the workspaceHow to search components in the PaletteHow to connect components togetherHow to drop components in the middle of a Row linkHow to define component propertiesHow to run a JobHow to customize your workspaceUsing connectionsConnection typesHow to define connection settingsUsing the Metadata ManagerHow to centralize the Metadata itemsHow to centralize contexts and variablesHow to use the SQL TemplatesHandling Jobs: advanced subjectsHow to map data flowsHow to create queries using the SQLBuilderHow to download/ upload Talend Community componentsHow to install external modulesHow to launch a Job periodicallyHow to use the tPrejob and tPostjob componentsHow to use the Use Output Stream featureHandling Jobs: miscellaneous subjectsHow to share a database connectionHow to define the Start componentHow to handle error icons on components or JobsHow to add notes to a Job designHow to display the code or the outline of your JobHow to manage the subjob displayHow to define options on the Job viewHow to find components in JobsHow to set default values in the schema of an component Chapter4Managing data integration JobsActivating/Deactivating a Job or a sub-jobHow to disable a Start componentHow to disable a nonStart componentImporting/exporting items or JobsHow to import itemsHow to export Jobs to an archiveHow to export itemsHow to change context parameters in JobsManaging repository itemsHow to handle updates in repository itemsSearching a Job in the repositoryManaging Job versionsDocumenting a JobHow to generate HTML documentationHow to update the documentation on the spotHandling Job executionChapter 5Mapping data flowstMap operationSetting the input flow in the Map EditorMapping variablesUsing the expression editorMapping the Output setting Talend Open StudioSetting schemas in the Map EditorSolving memory limitation issues in tMap useHandling LookupstXMLMap operationUsing the document type to create the XML treeDefining the output modeEditing the XML tree schema Chapter 6Managing MetadataObjectivesSetting up a DB connectionStep 1: General propertiesStep 2: ConnectionStep 3: Table uploadStep 4: Schema definition Setting up a JDBC schemaStep 1: GeneralpropertiesStep 2: ConnectionStep 3: Table uploadStep 4: Schema definitionSetting up a File Delimited schemaStep 1: General propertiesStep 2: File uploadStep 3: Schema definitionStep 4: Final schemaSetting up a File Positional schemaStep 1: General propertiesStep 2: Connection and file uploadStep 3: Schema refiningStep 4: Finalizing the end schemaSetting up a File Regex schemaStep 1: General propertiesStep 2: File uploadStep 3: Schema definitionStep 4: Finalizing the end schemaSetting up an XML file schemaSetting up an XML schema for an input fileSetting up an XML schema for an output fileSetting up a File Excel schemaStep 1: General propertiesStep 2: File uploadStep 3: Schema refiningStep 4: Finalizing the end schema Chapter 7Datawarehousing ConceptsETL Conceptstsortrowtunitetuniqerowtbufferinputtbuffer outputthashinputthashoutputtfilelisttsleeptloopfile input output componentsdatabase input output componentstsendmailtreplicatetfiltercolumnstfilterrowstreplacetconverttypetdietcontextloadtmemorizerowtrowgeneratortrunjobprejobpostjobtsamplerowstnormalizetdenormalizetmaptaggrigatortjointsystemDynamictjavatjavarowtjavaflextschemacompliancechecktlogrowtlogcatchert ststcatchertparallelizetsendmailtfilecopytfilearchivetfilePropertiestfileunarchivetfiletouchtfiledeletetfileexisttfiletouchtfilecopytftpfilelisttftpputtftpgettftpdeletetftpfileexisttftpConnectiontftpRenametftpfilepropertiesto