Style: Knowing Your Colors So You Get Compliments Everyday

Style: Knowing Your Colors So You Get Compliments Everyday
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Do you know what colors work for you? When youre shopping for the ultimate dress the color can really make a difference. But do you pick a color, fabric or pattern that suits you as a person? Or is the reason for buying your new favorite item because it has a color or pattern that you didn’t have yet? Wouldnt it be great and make your life a lot easier when you know what colors suit you well, and which colors to avoid? We have all had a moment when a friend is wearing something that doesnt bring out the best in her. The color she is wearing is not bringing out the best in her, but it’s taking the attention away from her face. Or worse; it makes her look older or tired. The point of knowing your colors is that your face will be the center of your outfit. People will look at your face, the message you are sending and your energy. So people won’t say; “what a great dress”; but; “you look really well rested, fresh and radiant!".Styling an outfit can be daunting. You see people on Instagram or Pinterest and you wonder; how do they come up with these ideas? Do you have to be extremely creative to create a fun outfit? Ofcourse, there is a certain level of creativity involved in creating your perfect outfit. However, there is a science behind it as well. Im a very practical person and I would like to give you tools, tricks and tips to really dive deep into this subject. To show you which colors work for you and give you a bit of background and theory, to really get the reasons why this works. Maybe youve come to learn about styling and the use of colors, because you want to know what colors work for you. Maybe you choose this course because you would like to expand your knowledge about styling for your profession or pursue it as a passion. You can see this course as investment in yourself. This information which will help you gain insight into the colors that work best for you. Not just the main colors, but the way you need to use contrasts, what brightness the color needs to be, if it needs to dark or light, what materials to use.