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Are you tired of living in circles? Are you feeling unhappy with where in your life you are right now, but can’t quite figure out how to fix it? It’s time you remind yourself how powerful you truly are! What you’re feeling is perfectly valid. We all encounter roadblocks and sticky points in our lives. In fact, these are our opportunities - inviting us to grow through them. You don’t have to feel stuck and become chronically stressed. There’s another way. We want to empower you to take control of your life and shift away from the unnecessary suffering. All it takes is to start unblocking your inner personal and external limitations, and realign your life towards what feels empowering instead. Why is this course a must right now?Energy governs everything we do. Yet, energy is nothing more than a sum of our thoughts, emotions and body’s wellbeing. Most people never learn how to master their own energy. Who can blame them? We were never taught these things at school. Hence, heres an opportunity to learn about your energy, how to optimise it and achieve an unshakeable happiness, calm, and inner peace that leads to health, wealth and high performance. Designed by Veronika Janeckova, researcher, coach and a founder of BizTreat, Burnout Heroes, and INNU who left her corporate career in London to study philosophies of SouthEast Asia, this mindfully curated program brings holistic learnings and embodied practices into personal development, leadership and organisational culture globally. Enjoy fun activities backed by science and informed by more than 10 different healing modalities and principles, that will change the way you experience learning for good. Feel the benefits of this program already within the first weeks just like our other students do. Im in the 3rd week of the program, practising the exercises 4-5 times a week and Im already feeling significant improvements on both physical and mental levels. Im very happy about this and it motivates me to continue further. Lucia, Burnout HeroTHE PROGRAM FOLLOWS OUR UNIQUE TRANSFORMATION FORMULA THAT WE RECOMMEND TO FOLLOW FOR 12 WEEKS. IT ENABLES EFFECTIVE BEHAVIOURAL CHANGE AND VISIBLE RESULTS IN 3 PHASES FOCUSED ON SELF-AWARENESS, SELF-MASTERY & PURPOSEFUL LEADERSHIP. THIS EXPERIENTIAL PERSONAL GROWTH JOURNEY COVERS:- Studio-video teachings with burnout experts filmed with loving intention and powerful energy transmission in Bali- Tailor-made practices to shift the limiting habits & beliefs into empowered and positive action- Powerful guided audio practices, visualisations & somatic activities for full-body experience- Carefully crafted content to match your path that follow best practices of behavioural change- High-impact integration of body, mind & spirit- Lifetime access to the online course material- Access to a private Burnout Heroes online community- Optional opportunity to work with a coach on 1-1 basis to deepen your experience (subject to additional cost)Spring-clean and simplify your life by aligning it with your inner desire. Challenge and move beyond what’s blocking you. Gain the tools to rise in your career and in your relationships. Discover how to work smarter, not harder. Do more of what you love. Feel more motivated. Manage your life according to your natural flow of energy and your powerful and authentic expression of self, instead of reacting to the external pressures. These are all benefits you’ll soon get to enjoy too. READY?