Solid Rock Reminders for Self-care and Compassion

Solid Rock Reminders for Self-care and Compassion
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Its all too easy to be extremely tough on ourselves, the self doubt, the self criticism and all that negative talk gets in the way. We get pretty good at telling ourselves that were not working hard enough or smart enough. Which leads us to fall prey to loads of self criticism, which brings in sadness, frustration, overwhelm or even depression For these moments we need to carve out some time and space for an emotional reset. Thats when a good dose of self-care comes into play. That may sound selfish or indulgent to some of us; it did for me too, until I realized that life wasnt meant to go on without it. We could all learn to appreciate a little more, the role that self-care can have in our lives and for our well-being. During this course you will: Create some solid rock reminders that will list some of your self-care goals or wishes Learn to make time for your self-care practices or rituals Take time to list some of the things that light you up and make you really happy Notice what physical and emotional self-care habits you want to pay more attention to Be reminded of how you can do something simple each day for your self-care Realize that you can have some creative fun along the wayThis project is for anyone, whether you are a beginner artist or none at all, whether youre a professionally skilled one or someone who just enjoys and gets inspired by watching someone else create. But most of all, its for those who wish to pay a little more attention to their self-care and well-being. Materials needed: Flat and smooth rocksAcrylic paints (Im using white and greens but you can choose any color that you would prefer)A permanent markerColored markersA penClass project: Your Class project will be to think about each aspect of your self-care, routines or goals that you do or would like to improve in or try out and experience more of. and create for each one a painted rock, as a solid rock reminder and manifestation that you will do it. Youll get to design and decorate them by adding a word or a drawn object, shapes or patterns and colors that remind you of what they are, or just include something that brings you a sense of joy, love and comfort. And lets encourage each other by sharing our ideas and projects as we grow together in our self-care and compassion.