Smarter Homes: Home Automation with Apple HomeKit

Smarter Homes: Home Automation with Apple HomeKit
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SmartHomes are no longer just for the tech elite. They aren’t for rich home owners or for just the technical wizards. SmartHomes are here today and Apple HomeKit has made it easier for all of us to make our lives just a little bit easier. Who can benefit from HomeAutomation today: Parents who’s kids leave the lights onAirbnb owners who don’t want to give out physical keysRealtors who want to give their properties that edge to sell just a little fasterAnyone who wants to make their lives just a little bit easier. In this course, you’ll learn how to start automating your home based around the Apple homeKit ecosystem of products. You’ll learn-What is Apple HomeKit? What do you need to get started? Setting up your first Apple Home- Working with the three basic HomeKit accessorieslightsplugssensors-Setting up some automations and triggersWe’ll compare some products on the market. Help you chose what’s right for you and give you some ideas on how to make the most of your investments. We’ll cover homekit accessories partners such asPhilipps HueLutroniHomeKoogeekElgatoFibaroand more! Advanced Topics: For those of you who want to know more, I’ll also include some advanced topics which will be CLEARLYmarked such asDeveloper KitsCommunications protocolsSignal RepeatersRoutersDHCPand othersRemember these advanced topics are NOTrequired for you to get started! Feel free to skip any ofthese thatyou’re not interested in.I can’t wait for you to join me in making your house a smart home. Christopher