Single & Multiplayer online game development Webgl's BabylonJs

Single & Multiplayer online game development Webgl's BabylonJs
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Welcome to The Extensive Webgl Series - Part II - Single And Multiplayer Online Client-Server 3DGame Development Using WebGL’s BabylonJs. This is the second course in my extensive webgl series. While watching the first course first is recommended, it is not a strict prerequisite for this second course. In This course you will learn how to create 3D Games inside BabylonJS. BabylonJs is a very nice 3dgame enginewritten in Javascript, that allows creating very nice games quickly and effectively to be run directly on the browser. The course is divided into two main sections: The Single-player section, and the Multi-player section. In The single-player section you will learn the following: How to createyour first scene usingBabylonJs. How to applymaterials and lights to your scene. How to usedifferent types of cameras in your scene. How to create and navigate a vehicle using WASD keys. How to import models into your game and clone them. How to detect and handle collisions in your game. How to apply physics simulations to your object. How to fire rays. How to use particle systemsHow to create a complete FPS (First PersonShooter) Game from scratch, step by step. How to load sounds to your game. How to use multiple cameras and multiple view ports to see multiple areas of your game at the same time. How to create multiple levels inside your game. How to deploy your game to a remote server. And much more. In the multiplayer section you will learn the following: How to useNodeJs and its node package manager (npm) to create a web server. What are websockets and how to use the popular socket-io library. How to create an interactive client-server multiplayer game using node and socket-io. How to deploy the multiplayer game to a remote server.