Self-awareness Basics: Your Core Values Guide to Purpose

Self-awareness Basics: Your Core Values Guide to Purpose
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We all value something. And it’s these things that make our life make sense. Values are the key to purpose and happiness. Values are one of the most important driving forces of our lives. We are conscious of some of the things we value, and not so conscious of others. We want to bring it all to light. What about life do you find the most worthwhile? How do you spend your time? How do you spend your money? Does it reflect your values?How often do you stop to reflect on these things and take time to identify them?Whether we are aware of them or not, they fuel our emotions, feelings, thoughts, behaviors, dreams and aspirations. They dictate our choices, our friendships, our partners, our job, and literally every aspect of our lives. We have curated our own methodology taken from scientific research and human behavioral specialists to help you get to your core values in a way that you would probably never get to if someone just asked you. More than a course, this is a very practical, online workshop session! Samantha will guide you through the exercises and then help you debrief them. This online experience was created with much love and research to help you gain clarity of the values that drive and shape your everyday life. We know that clarity is power. And the power that comes from being able to identify and verbalize the values that drive your life is immense. Have you ever asked yourself why you do what you do? And why others do what they do?Values serve our self-expansion and fuller self-actualization. Time invested in getting to know yourself is the time best spent. And your values the perfect place to beginHow to do this courseThis online workshop will take approximately 1.5 hours, depending on your pace. It’s not just about watching the videos! This course actively engages you in a very practical and hands on way. You’ll need pen and paper, self-reflection and critical thinking skills activated to move through it! You can do this course on your own, but doing it with your partner, a friend or group of friends, or colleagues is also a great idea! This course will definitely get your thinking. It’s great to have someone to discuss all the things that come up. “I’ve been thinking a lot about the principles you taught us and especially my values. It’s something that Ireally think has changed the way Isee the world. Once more, thank you for that.” -Simon