Security Engineering: The Complete Guide (incl. CISSP & CISA)

Security Engineering: The Complete Guide (incl. CISSP & CISA)
199.99 USD
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Welcome. Security engineering handles the integrity and security of real-world systems. The goal of the security architecture and engineering domain is to provide you with concepts, principles, structures and standards, used to design, implement, monitor, and secure operating systems, equipment, networks, applications and those controls used to enforce various levels of confidentiality, integrity, and availability. There are many similarities to systems engineering, one of which is that their function is to ensure that designs meet the requirements outlined. The main difference is that security engineering is responsible for the consistent enforcement of security policies, processes, procedures or practices. Computer technology has accelerated so rapidly that it has created much more convoluted systems with even more intricate security problems. Secure systems must be capable of withstanding a wide range of attacks, from technical to human-based, fraud and deception. This fact involves aspects of psychology, social science and economics, mathematics, physics and chemistry. In this course, we’re going to cover a fairly wide variety of topics. We’re going to cover things such as: Engineering Process Using Secure Design PrinciplesFundamental Concepts Of Security ModelsControls Based Upon System Security RequirementsSecurity Capabilities Of Information Systems VocabSecurity Capabilities Of Information Systems CPUSecurity Capabilities Of Information Systems MemoryAssess And Mitigate Vulnerabilities - The BasicsAssess And Mitigate Vulnerabilities - The RestSpotlight On Cryptographic Solutions - SymmetricSpotlight On Cryptographic Solutions - AsymmetricSpotlight On Cryptographic Solutions - PKI & CertsSpotlight On Cryptographic Solutions - HashingCryptographic Solutions - Digital SigningUnderstand Methods Of Cryptanalytic AttacksSecurity Principles For Site And Facility DesignDesign Site And Facility Security ControlsSpotlight On Fire ControlSecurity engineering is going to become much more complex at the technological level before it gets any easier. This is partly a result of the ever-increasing and continuous stream of technology that continues to arrive. At the same time, as there is an increase in researchers, there is also an increase in attackers looking for vulnerable systems. As security improves, so do attackers. They adapt to emerging or new technologies.