Who we are?We are a Senior of SAP Consultants who have experienced the pain of certification. No matter how many books we read, we can’t catch the key points of the exam. So we assembled the archaeological questions into a book! ! Let you review and deepen your impressions efficiently, and we guarantee that this method can effectively improve the pass rate of the certification. Purpose of this Exam PracticeThis exam practice preparation for Successfully passing the C TS452 2020 certification. This guide provides information about the target audience for the SAP MM exam, the recommended training and documentation, and a complete list of exam objectivesall with the intent of helping you achieve a passing score. Why do you need a SAP certificate?You could have a good shot at the SAP consultant job market. This is already a good market and growing each year due to the the S4 HANA product launched by SAP. When you learn SAP you would also learn the best business processes used by the greatest MNC’s of the world. You can talk about these processes during your interviews or during your day-to-day work in an organisation. Your knowledge would be deeply respected. SAP Is a Leader in the Gartner Magic Quadrant for ERP for Product-Centric EnterprisesReciprocity! If this Certification Question helps you pass the exam Successfully, Please leave a Five-Star praise and share your certification link with everyone, our team will provide Coupon for other certification tests in our store. CheersCourse Guarantee: This Exam Pattern is Very Similar to SAP Official C TS452 2020 exams I give you my word of honor, I worked hard on these practice questions and passed the exam A total of 4 Practice TestsPractice 1: 40 question Practice 2: 40 question Practice 3: 40 questionMock exam: 80 questionPreparing for the examDownload and install the “Questionmark Secure browser” software that matches your computer system. Install the “Zoom” software, the examiner will use this software to chat with you during the processCheck if your computer’s camera, microphone and headset are working properlyPrepare a passport or ID card with your personal photo (credit card is also acceptable)Make sure there are no other people and no other electronics in your exam environment (eg: screen)Topic Areas:> 12% - Procurement Processes> 12% - Enterprise Structure and Master Data> 12% - Configuration of Purchasing8% - 12% - Valuation and Account Assignment8% - 12% - Invoice Verification8% - 12% - Sources of Supply8% - 12% - Purchasing Optimization< 8% - Analytics in Sourcing and Procurement