Salesforce Integration With External Systems

Salesforce Integration With External Systems
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Salesforce is the world’s No. 1 CRM provider with billions of transactions per day. Salesforce has one of the broadest set of integration services available with options for query, batch, and streaming. In this course, we’ll explore all the major Salesforce Integration APIs, and see when each one is the right fit for a given situation. You’ll learn how to use each API to get data in and out of Salesforce effectively. What are the topics we will cover in this course?Overview of Salesforce APIsUsing SOAP API to Integrate with Enterprise AppsCreating Lightweight Integrations using REST APIBulkAPIin SalesforceConsuming External Services via Apex CalloutsCalling External Webservice from Lightning Web ComponentsStreaming API- PushTopics, Platform Events, Change Data CaptureCalling External Webservice from Aura ComponentsFetching Data from Salesforce via External SystemSending Data fromSalesforce to Java Application using Streaming API