Course descriptionSpanish accent marks. This course is about Spanish accent marks and stress rules. The Spanish accent marks and stress rules are vital within the Spanish language. You cannot ignore these rules. As a language teacher, I know that many learners ignore these rules for a variety of reasons. Either they think that written accent marks and stress rules are not crucial within the Spanish language or they do not know how to use them correctly, or even what they mean either way, the point is we are here to learn them!I have done this course because I want you to have a full grasp of how to pronounce Spanish words, i.e, verbs, adjectives, adverbs, nouns, homonyms, synonyms, antonyms and so on. As an illustration, you will learn how important it is to understand and learn the Spanish accent marks and stress rules to feel integrated within the amazing Hispanic culture. You will be able to know words that have the same sound and writing, but their meanings are different because their stressed and accented syllables change. As an illustration, we have the term nmero 1)Nmero 2)numero -3)numer1)Nmero= number (it is a noun).2)(Yo)Numero= First-person singular present indicative. It comes from the verb number.3)(l/ella/usted)numer= third-person singular past indicative. The last two words: numero and numer, both come from the verb to number, meaning to count the things in a series by order of the numbers, although they belong to different verbal tenses. In this course will be explained in detail the two uses of the written Spanish accent mark called tilde diacrtica and one spoken Spanish accent mark called acento prosdico. La tilde de la ee () o virgulilla de la ee (~) will be taught from Spanish point view and English point view. It is significant for your learning process to make things crystal clear. In the last two lessons, the diaeresis ()= la diresis and the peculiarities typical of the Spanish alphabet will be seen.A proper understanding of Spanish accent marks and stress rules is therefore essential if you want to read and write Spanish appropriately. Thus, your pronunciation and comprehension skills will be enhanced exponentially speaking. The positive news is that they are easier to learn than they seem. Spanish spellings follow very systematic rules. It means that when you learn them, you need to follow them, and they are not difficult to pick up. Understanding Spanish accent marks and stress rules enable you to appreciate one of the many fascinating aspects of this beautiful and magical language, making Spanish unique. Somebody said: Practice makes perfect 30 minutes of your time every day, your dedication to learn the Spanish accent marks. My adoration, linguistic knowledge and teaching skills will be more than enough for you to master the Spanish accent marks. You can be the best Spanish writer that you can be.I, as a facilitator of your learning, I break down the Spanish accents marks and stress rules, for you. So, you will build up your Spanish accent marks knowledge step by step, starting with your desire for keeping on learning the Spanish language, for keeping on extending your linguistic knowledge. The process is, as follows: Desire + dream + faith + commitment + action=success. Alongside with this, your internal process, you need to have lots of self-love, love, patience, and practice. It is the only way to make your dreams come true. My tip to you is to enjoy every step of this, your learning journey. Please do not try too hard to learn it, keep yourself light-hearted, fun, and hopeful. Mi consejo es disfruta cada momento, cada paso de tu proceso de aprendizaje. La vida esta hecha de pequeos momentos, de pequeos pasos y la suma de ellos dar como consecuencia que cada vez tengas un dominio mayor del espaol. With this course, you will develop your four linguistic Spanish skills in all areas of your life, personal and professional speaking: Listening skill- by listening to my explanations in Spanish and English, languages used in all my comments. Reading skill- by reading the different learning resources assigned for you. Writing skill-by doing the different ejercicios appointed to you. Reading and writing are link; the more you read, the better will be your Spanish writing. Besides, by doing this course, your Spanish writing skills will be developed, exponentially speaking. Speaking skill- after permeating your brain and mind with this beautiful language, you will be able to produce the Spanish language on your own. Firstly, you will improve your pronunciation and intonation, by knowing, for instance, the different between and n because these two letters are two completely different Spanish letters. Secondly, you will know the difference between solo and slo. Thirdly, you will speak Spanish more confidently because you know now that every Spanish speaker can understand you, without going round and round explaining the meaning of a word I know it can be thwarted. Cultural input-through the different quotations at the end of each lesson together with extra-exp