Resolve conflicts at work once and for all - but properly

Resolve conflicts at work once and for all - but properly
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If you do not solve conflicts at work properly, you will not make it to the top. Solve conflicts fast and professional once and for all by using a proven concept. Also, solving a conflict can take a long time. But when you have a step-by-step process, it becomes far easier and faster. I solve conflicts today on the spot and at the speed of light. My name is Kai Boyd. I have served in companies like PricewaterhouseCoopers, T-Online, Telefonica, deal united, Twilio, ProsiebenSat1 and Fastly in management positions from team-lead to CEO having had to solve thousands of conflicts over the past 30 years. A big reason for being able to do this is because of this formula. My conflict resolution strategy used to be so-so. Sometimes I was successful and sometimes I wasn’t.I decided to find out what worked. I already had a lot of knowledge about resolving conflict at work. But there was something different needed for being always successful. So, I took every course I could find that talked about conflict resolution. I read lots of books on conflict. I went on YouTube and even contacted some of the top instructors. Most of what I learned wasn’t very effective. However, I did find some gems.I decided to postmortem my conflicts. I was looking for what had worked. I used what I found and combined it with the knowledge I already had about conflict resolution. I also came up with some great ideas of my own. To find out what worked, I tested everything. In the end, I came up with a three layer concept and finally found the underlying structure of all conflicts. With this method, I now find it easier and faster to resolve conflicts, even in my private life. My results are also much better than when I started. You will learn this concept in this course. Now you may be thinking, that’s alright for you Kai. You have been a manager for over 30 years. I won’t be able to do that. You don’t need to be seasoned manager. You can do this you only need to try. The process is in easy chunks. A twelve-year-old could do it. You might be happy with the results you are already getting. I am delighted for you. But why not get better results by using this simple to follow process. Start using this process now. Every day you wait, conflicts will pile up and you are never going to make it to the top. And higher up in hierarchy the more conflicts are for you to solve. This is how this formula works:- You learn why difficult conversation and conflicts happen- You get to know the ever-present structure of difficult conversations- Why well-intentioned is not always well-done- How to make a conversation productive (very effective)- How to get out of the reproach trap- Getting a handle on your emotions- What the identity level is- When difficult conversations are worthwhile (this is not always the case)- How to make use of the alternative perspective- The common thread for difficult conversationsAnd we will explore all of this through and with the help of one of your conflicts. Let me show you how solve conflicts and lead difficult conversations once and for all. Enrol now!