Reiki for Witches - Crystal Reiki Certification Level 2

Reiki for Witches - Crystal Reiki Certification Level 2
29.99 USD
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In this level of Sol Path Crystal Reiki, Level 2, the intermediate level, you will learn how to conduct a crystal Reiki session on another person. You will also learn how to conduct a distance healing session using crystals and a surrogate. You will learn how to put together a crystal Reiki toolkit and which crystals work best with each of the 7 main chakras. We discuss working with deities and spirits if that’s something you’d like to incorporate into your practice and how to balance the light and dark aspects of healing. You will learn how to tap into the elements that correspond with each chakra and how to incorporate magickal practices into your healing session. There is complete instruction on the basic hand positions associated with in-person sessions as well as a brief overview of crystal layouts. For more in-depth crystal layout/crystal healing practices, please enroll in my Crystal Practitioner certification course through Udemy and University Magickus. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions along the way. Please be sure you have completed Level 1 of this course and received your attunement (available upon request in Level 1). This course is available through Udemy and University Magickus. Upon completion, you will receive your Level 2 practitioner certificate from University Magickus. Level 3, the Master Level of Sol Path Crystal Reiki, is also available for enrollment.