Referral Marketing Program - Build a 6 figure referral team

Referral Marketing Program - Build a 6 figure referral team
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Referral marketing is deliberately encouraging your customers, friends, colleagues and associates to tell other people about you in a positive light. Its also known as word of mouth marketing. For LESSTHAN$50 you will add 6 figures to your sales revenue by following this programIt is the most powerful form of marketing that a small business owner can do, because: It is cost effective - far less expensive and more effective than paid advertisements. Your referred client is usually more loyalA referred lead will convert to sales around 30% more than a lead from other sources. Referred customers will often pay more than customers from other sources. Referred clients tend to stay with you for longer than clients from other sources. It builds trust in your brand faster than other marketing methodsThe 6 Figure Referral Marketing program comprises a series of videos and downloadable activities and tools for you to use to build and maintain your personal 6 figure referral network. The course details the 5 elements involved, with video tutorials and demonstration videos for you to learn ASYOUBUILD NOTE: The activities and methods in this program are NOT ‘set and forget’ activities. They are a way for you to build the foundation of an effective referral marketing strategy. And to make the program successful the activities need to be followed up, updated and continued by you (the business owner) or your marketing team after the program is completed. Lead Generation for business owners, Sales Professionals and Marketers - How to create and maintain your 6-Figure Referral NetworkThe ultimate guide and system to generate more leads and inquiries for your business. Messaging scripting included. This course includes: Self paced learning - do the course sections and steps at your own pace to maximize your learning and the effectiveness of the training5 Sections to cover 5 elements plus a conclusion: Element 1 - Steps to build your referral teamElement 2 - Effective Networking for referralsElement 3 - Identify your perfect referral partnersElement 4 - Winning MessagingElement 5 - Engage (and re-engage) with your networkPersonal Support - at every step of the course you can reach out for help or feedback on what you’ve done so farVideos: TutorialsActivity DemonstrationsInteractive, downloadable and printable PDF activities - to keepDownloadable tools to help create success in your messaging and referral campaign QUESTIONS: Would you like a customised and tailored INBOUND Lead Generation program to work for you to generate high-quality leads, book appointments, and increase your sales?Would you like to have a regular and meaningful marketing program working for you to keep clients for life?Do you have enough new sales leads coming to you?Five reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now! Every business needs leads and with the increase in online and electronic communications (like social media) people tend to want to research what they want to buy. So building a customized and perfect referral network will create an inbound lead generation strategy for you. This course will teach you how to do that. If youre new to lead generation or an old hand, its important to stay open minded and not get trapped into thinking that you know it all. This course will give you proven referral messaging strategies and (maybe) a few ideas you havent thought of. Many people think that their online activity is like an advertisement, where you present your products or services and hope that someone sees it who is in the market at that very time. This course will teach you how to target and customise your messaging to get to your ideal referral partner for your product or service. You will have your own lead generation coach at your disposal to ask questions throughout the course, and we will respond personally and thoughtfully to every single person. Then you can continue (if you wish) your personal business and lead generation coaching after the course is finished so you are not alone. This is not a course about social media, this is a very specific course about highly targeted, high-quality LEAD GENERATION communications and referrals strategies. You will leave the course with a specific set of techniques that have been tested, and I have used them over and over again for myself and my clients in the last few years.