Python Programming Practice for CBSE Class 11th & 12th

Python Programming Practice for CBSE Class 11th & 12th
1299 INR
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This course designed to learn python programming very fast way with covered the entire CBSErevised syllabus 2020-21 for Python Programming in subject Computation Thinking and Programming -1 and Computation Thinking and Programming -2.Course start from basic that is printing Hello World! message and course end with Image Processing and Graph plotting.I reviewed very closely the CBSErevised syllabus 2020-21 and after reading each chapter content for Computation Thinking and Programming -1 and Computation Thinking and Programming -2 then after found a way to teach Python quickly and created this course. All the programs written in this course interpreted both Visual studio code and Jupiter notebook. All student of this course allowed to ask questions/issue resolution and Iwill be response to each question/issue individually. Complete Python Programming Practice suggested by CBSE (Computation Thinking and Programming -1 for Class 11th and Computation Thinking and Programming -2 for Class 12th).Covered 50 (38 Python programs from CBSE revised course syllabus as 2020-2021 and 12 additional /advance programs).Each Python program explained with analysis, logic used, objective of program and line by line writing. Fastest way to understand the each python concepts through programs. Additional topics covered like Graph plot using Matplotlib, Simple statistical analysis using Panda and Numpy, Matrix operation using Numpy, Web page creation using Web Browser and OS, Image processing using Pillow module. Notes: - This course is intended for purchase by adults like parents or guardian.