Python 3000: The Tkinter GUI

Python 3000: The Tkinter GUI
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Included with more installations than any other Graphical User Interface (GUI) technology, Tk is the de-facto ruler of Python’s data collection & graphical application world. Drawing upon industry-standard documentation techniques as well as the most common of all framework patterns, we believe that our training opportunity represents a refreshingly professional educational approach. For example: Rather than simply demonstrating how to use Tkinter widget “controls” Python 3000: The Tkinter GUI is more concerned with students teaching students how to master the Tk window & presentation space. By explaining the fundamental architectural, components, and life-cycle events, the focus of this Python 3000 educational opportunity is to provide students with what they will need to know to create cross-platform user interfaces. Professionals interested in creating their own widgets will also find our unique coverage of how to manage message streams to be equally important! Many have come to appreciate that - far more than merely a collection of cross-platform user-interface components, that Tkinter also represents an artificial intelligence; a component identification / communication subsystem that allows us to more easily interact with the “Tickle” Interpreter. From orchestrating a user’s interface into our creations using common menus, buttons, frames, dialogs, windows, and entry fields to creating custom “look and feel” (LaF) application experiences, our voyage into Python’s Tkinter realm has been designed to enlighten students every step of the way. About This SeriesWritten by a Principal Trainer & Principal Software Development Engineer, in order to insure mastery key topics are presented several times, as well as at ever-increasing depth. Students will also be using professional programming interfaces - the same tools that software developers use - to create their software. From keywords & tabs, to testing & documentation, hints & tips on how to use Python in the professional world abound! After completing the Python 1000 series, in the Python 2000 series students will complete keyword mastery by exploring a large collection of activity-related topics. Sold separately, in the 2000 series students will enjoy learning how to create Lambdas, Generators, Context Managers, Packages & Modules, Classes, Factories, Frameworks, how to manage Exceptions, as well as other professional programming topics.