Python 3 For Beginners in 2020!

Python 3 For Beginners in 2020!
99.99 USD
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Do you want to learn Python 3?You have come to the right place, welcome to the Python 3 for beginners course, where you will learn how to create real-world Python applications from scratchWhy should you learn Python?Python is one of the fastest-growing programming languages on the planet. Even compared to other popular languages. Python is way ahead. It is also projected to be one of the most popular programming languages way into the futureIt doesn’t matter whether you want to focus on Web applications, Games, Machine learning or Data Science, Python is used everywhere. Who is this course for?Beginners with no experience with python 3Programmers with experience in other programming languagesAnyone who knows the basics of python but wants to learn more in-depthAnyone who wants to start with programmingWhat you can find inside the course?How to install Python 3How to install Visual Studio CodeVariablesOperations with VariablesCastingCode Branching (if, else if, else)Python Data Structures (Lists, Tuples, Sets, Dictionaries)Loops (for, while)Break & continue statementsWork with files (create, open, write, append)Exception HandlingFunctionsRecursive FunctionsHow to debug applicationsModules and PIPObject-Oriented ProgrammingInheritanceProtectionIteratorsSimple Algorithms (for improvement of problem-solving skills)TkInter GUIFrames, Buttons, Entry, Grid, Menu, Canvas, Rectangles, Lines, Oval. You will also create real-world graphical applications: TODO listtext editorgraphical editorWe have over 80 high-quality video lecturescombined with articles and quizzes. So that you can test your python skills. If you don’t understand something or if you need help with something. You can always reach out to me. Mostly I respond within a day. At the end of this course, you will get a certificate of completion. That you can put on your resume or on your LinkedIn profile. The course comes with an amazing 30-day money-back guaranteeSo you can try the course, risk-free. So do you want to learn Python 3?Enroll today and I will see you in the course