Psychic Medium: Masterclass on Evidential Mediumship

Psychic Medium: Masterclass on Evidential Mediumship
99.99 USD
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Psychic Medium: Masterclass on Evidential MediumshipThis course is designed to help you and support you connect with people that have crossed over for yourself and your sitters as well. Melanie Jackson, Karen Geddes and myself Konstantina Bellou also known as Elena the Greek are here to support you in understanding how you can connect with spirit, what kind of evidence you can ask and receive from spirit, decipher the different energies you are connecting, the messages, signs and symbols you receive and more. We cover through our own experiences the challenges you may face while connecting, we are answering to questions we have been called to answer in the past from students when it comes to mediumship, protection and blocks in your energies. We explain how you can open up yourself to mediumship, how to communicate with the people in spirit, how to detach from energies that are receiving from spirit, how to close your session and connection. Protection has also to do with boundaries and intentions and that is something we elaborately explain through this course. We also have many demonstrations through the course to help you understand what evidential mediumship is and we also have a demonstration on dual readings, meaning that there are two mediums connecting with the same loved ones in spirit! Evidential mediumship is actually the proof of eternal love and existence. We hope this course will bring you more clarity on mediumship, help you feel the love and the safety of tapping into your full potential as best as possible and be the guides for you on this path. We are here to help you and support you so please reach out! With love and blessings, Elena, Melanie & Karen xxxHere are some of the reviews: by Maria Foriere"Wow. this was great! Thank you ladies, you have cleared up a lot of things for me. This course is very informative and I will be practising everything that you have taught us. I hope to be a great medium like you to help people in need. Thank you again.“by Della Suggs"I enjoyed this course because the ladies were very thorough with the information they shared. I personally liked how they took time to give examples from their own experiences. That helped me greatly.“by Kylie Arndt"Absolutely loving the down to earth way this is all being explained.“by Kimberly Sheckles’love these wonderful women! Everything was clear, direct, and authentic! No matter if you’re a seasoned psychic medium or just getting your feet wet, you will find confidence and growth within your abilities with this trio. I love this course and I love their individual authenticity. If you’re looking to learn from true mediums then look no further for these 3 are the real deal! Such a beautiful course and I look forward to more!“by Carol Atterbury"Excellent explanations and information from all you wonderful lady’s, you put a lot of truths and strength into this course I felt it strongly and learned a lot in a direct and fun forum, Greatly Appeached. Looking forward to further courses yous put out. Thank yous Love and Light Carol"by Toni Coppins"This is an awesome course! These ladies really help with learning about the specifics of mediumship and signs and evidential signs, it really helps me because it confirmed so many things, but it’s also taught me alot of things. Well worth it! Thank you ladies!“by Kim Buchanan"Great course ladies. each one of you has a very special energy. Lots of nuggets of knowledge picked up along the way in viewing this course. Loved the Dual Reading section, as one of Elena’s grandmother’s also connected to me, the energy was so wonderful. I saw Cherry pie, and apple strudel, oh and red tulips. Same section, the ladies brought forward Karen’s grandfather, I have to laugh, when Melanie said the grandfather stated he liked a particular comedy TV show. I said out loud, Bennie Hill, then Melanie said it.I almost fell off my chair lol. Very much enjoyed this course, these ladies are very special, their energy is contagious. Thank you for this course.”