Project Management Using Microsoft Project

Project Management Using Microsoft Project
2299 INR
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Usually projects fail due to non-accomplishments of goals, cost over-run, & schedule delays. These challenges can be countered with effective application of project management techniques using Microsoft projectThis course provides a clear path & a guiding light for project managers, project management enthusiasts, & project planners on how to start & execute these techniques in a most effective way possible. Care is taken to start on a very basic level, and progressing with complicated techniques. The course starts with the basic introduction to project management & Microsoft project and slowly shifts gears in providing profound experience to the students in project management and Microsoft projectInvolves a detailed discussion on how to start preparing the schedule, finalizing the schedule, monitoring & controlling the schedule & finally reporting the results. Basically the sequencing involved in a project life cycle is taken care of. Reporting, being one of the major contributors in maintaining communication within a project team which intern leads to the success of the project, the course has a dedicated section for the same. The course is one of its kind, which has tried to pack 10 years of professional experience of the trainer, who has learned from both failed and successful projects. The course provides a deep knowledge on how to handle projects, apply techniques and arrive at the favorable results