Principles of Animation in action

Principles of Animation in action
Categories: Video Creating, Courses
19.99 USD
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Hello and welcome to this short course, in this one we are going to learn how Principles of animation can have a tremendous impact on your motion design. We will learn how to create a fun animation with. Anticipationfollow-through and Overlapping actionSquash and StretchThese three principles are the important ones and we will learn how we can master them in after effects! We will start with a quick overview of how to make them. Then we will put them in simple geometry examples and alternatively we will use these three principles in a fun example. This course is good for beginner users, but you need to at least know how to apply basic keyframing in aftereffects. for class project They are two files inside of the project files, you can practice with which one you like. One of them is the Dog file where we practice in the course and the one you should practice with it is The Cat file. You can also see the animated version I made and use it as a reference if you like. after that share your project in the Project panel and as always if you missing or getting confused at some point please do not hesitate and ask your question