Practical Guide using AWS Kinesis Video Streams and Amplify

Practical Guide using AWS Kinesis Video Streams and Amplify
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Amazon Kinesis Video Streams makes it easy to securely stream media from connected devices to AWS for storage, analytics, machine learning (ML), playback, and other processing. Kinesis Video Streams automatically provisions and elastically scales all the infrastructure needed to ingest streaming media from millions of devices. Throughout the course, we are going to learn in-depth about: AWS Kinesis Video StreamsTwo applications to build your confidence working with AWS Amplify and AWS Kinesis Video Streams. kinesis-webrtc package that wraps around Amazon Kinesis Video Streams WebRTC SDK for JavaScript and makes it easy to interact with AWS Kinesis Video StreamsConfiguring React, TypeScript, and Tailwind applicationsAdding JEST e2e Testing in your applicationBuilding the Topson Messenger application which will give you a greater scope of how to implement AWS Amplify and AWS Kinesis Video Streams. This is a very practical-oriented course. Not just that, this is a never-ending course! This course will constantly be updated to ensure we keep everyone up to date. Benefits of using AWS Kinesis Video Streams and AWS Amplify. Build a real-time vision and video-enabled apps. Build real-time communication with AWS Amplify Subscriptions. SecureDurableNo infrastructure to manageBuild apps with two-way, real-time media streamingHit the enroll button, and we’re excited to see you in the course. and ultimately to see you build great applications using AWS Kinesis Video Streams.