Powerful Video Testimonial Blueprint - Video Marketing

Powerful Video Testimonial Blueprint - Video Marketing
1299 INR
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SALES is more like DATING, you cant propose before creating the TRUST; -)Statistics say average sales conversion is as low as 1 to 3%.Most of the biz focus only on talking about their product/service. Not much to build trust. Hence the sales conversion is low. The reason is customers buy only when they trust the person and can relate & resonate with the brand. IntroducingPOWERFUL TESTIMONIAL VIDEO BLUEPRINTStop selling your Biz yourself, make your customers do it for youWHATYOULEARN: SECRET METHOD: How to get Powerful Testimonial from your every customer. SHOOT & EDIT VIDEO: How to capture video like a pro with SmartPhone. How to handle of Audio, Light even if you do not have technical skills. Editing to get professional quality video output even if you don’t have technical skills. SOCIAL MEDIA: How to share the Customer Success Story as Photo & Video in different social media platformsWHOCANATTEND: Business Owners Who are into Sales & Marketing Teachers, Trainers, Coaches & Consultants BENEFITS: Capture & Edit Videos without much expense even if you do not have technical skillsCreate Marketing Content for Social Media & Increase your online presenceYour prospects will Trust you more & resonate with your product/serviceIncrease Sales Conversion One of the easiest & best ways to kick start Video Marketing Share your Customer Success Story EFFECTIVELY and let the Sales happen EFFORTLESSLY