Perseus's Light & Andromedan Reiki ~ Certified!

Perseus's Light & Andromedan Reiki ~ Certified!
79.99 USD
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Hello and welcome to the Perseus’s Light & Andromedan Reiki course, an original upgrade level of any Reiki System! This course is based on the teachings I received from the Ascended Masters and the Beings of Light from the celestial planes of existence. In this Reiki upgrade you will travel to the ancient places of Perseus and Andromeda, be attuned to their energies and receive their wisdom. Through the knowledge provided in this course, you will experience a journey of profound soul healing, as the energy that is formed through the combination of Perseus Light and Andromedan Reiki, creates a prism that reflects and harmonises the seven virtues of love, which when channelled, it cancels the wounds of the heart and brings back the fragments of the soul so to recompose it, having as a final result to heal even the deepest wounds, by acting on a complete soul level. You will also learn 3 new Symbols ~ the Perseus Master Symbol, the Andromedan Master Symbol and the Ascension Symbol which is created through the combination of their energies. Finally you will experience guided meditations to travel to holy grounds of Perseus and Andromeda, to where you will meet with Spiritual Guides and Beings of Light, who will offer you further apprenticeship, continuous support and guidance, healings and of course their own blessings and divine gifts!I hope that you will find this upgrade level a valuable tool for your Reiki practice and that you will find deep and conscious Soul freedom through this healing modality. If you have any questions feel free to contact me! Divine Blessings, Nickolas Mparalos! Title of Music used in Meditations is In Spiritus by Christopher Lloyd Clarke. Licensed by Enlightened Audio.