Pay for your Yoga Teacher Training + Jump Start Your Career

Pay for your Yoga Teacher Training + Jump Start Your Career
29.99 USD
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The story often goes likethis: yourdeep love of yoga, and the gifts it gave you, inspires youto take the leap intoyoga teacher training. You want to shout from the top of amountainto sharethis incredible practice with the world. Meanwhile, your family members andsignificant other all have their eyebrows raised when you tell them what the training costs. You secretly also wonder if it will be worth it from a financial perspective. Once the training is over, the question is “How?” Iseveryone and their sistera yoga teacher these days?The landscapecan feel impossibly competitive: studio owners don’t respond to your job inquiryemails, the pay offered bygyms makes you wonder if you are being swindled (or worse, that you were swindled. by the high cost of yogateacher training).You are struggling toGIVEaway private lessons, andmeanwhile 5of your closest friends have now started onTHEIR yogateacher training journey.I’ve been there. Don’t give up hope. It ISpossible to havea thrivingcareer teaching yoga. It is possible to make a goodincometeachingyoga. It will require a bit of sacrifice, a strategy, and deep consideration of your values - around money, time and, yes, whetheryoga as a full-timecareer is a good fit. Iwill guide you through those personal, inner conversations, and teach you as much insider-knowledge (“external information”) as Ican pack in. We’ll explore: What are the different paymentmodels thatstudios use? And is there one that is best for me?What should Iaim for in my weekly teaching schedule? and how will that change over time?How the heckdo you evenget yoga teachinggigs in a highly competitive market?What should my resume look like?Is it really possible to make a living teaching yoga? Let me see some $$$ numbers. Where do I evenstart?This course is a massivedownload of information that I’ve learned over17+ years of teaching yoga - taught to you in a conversational way, like Iwould share witha friend. It’s full of links for all sorts of resourcesthat will take you deeper. You will walk away with knowledge abouthow to leverage every class, how toestimate your yearly income (and increase it!), how to develop a niche (hint: this is a major part of how you give yourself a raise), and how to think creatively about each class or interactionas a genuineopportunity to grow your “brand”(in the most authentic way possible).By the way, Iam NOTa business coach. I am a yoga teacher who teaches many other yoga teachers. I’m also a doctor of physical therapy = practical, hardworking soul. Iam a multi-passionate human who has tried on a remarkable numberof jobs (yoga and otherwise)and careers over the last 20-someyears, who has worked hard and been poor, worked hard and been paid, and finally - around 7 years ago -started to see myself as my own boss. That changed everything.I’veseen the trends go up down and around in the yoga world, but I’ve also seen lastingpatterns. This courseis a passion project of mine to create more ease in your life, so you can get where you want in your yoga careerfaster than me (if you should so choose) Oh and yes, my sister is also a yoga teacher: )