Overcome Writer's Block & Write With Confidence

Overcome Writer's Block & Write With Confidence
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Be a more productive, more confident, more successful, happier writer than youve ever been before! Lots of courses teach you how to improve your writing skills, but nearly all of them miss a critical issue writers must master if they want to succeed: the unique mental challenges that are at play when we write. From writers block and critical self-talk to distractions and time management, from feeling too close to our words in the editing process to insecurities beginning freelancers and new authors face in getting published, writing is full of emotional and psychological hurdles that can drag down our success and our happiness, no matter how skillful we are at crafting our words. They can also stifle our ability to write and become better writers. They can riddle us with self-doubt and trick us into believing a story we tell ourselves: My writing isnt good enough, and its never going to be good enough when that story simply isnt true. Welcome to the first course in a new, groundbreaking series of workshops on the psychology of writing, and the mental and emotional challenges writers face. Taught by writing coach, bestselling author, and professional travel writer Dave Fox, this particular workshop part one in our series focuses on writers block, self-criticism, emotional overwhelm when writing, and how to write about personally difficult topics. Well explore: What writers block really is, what it isnt, and ways to overcome it. Why some writers are considered gifted and how you can become one of them. How to tame your inner bully that gremlin in your head who whispers demoralizing things to you when you write things you would never say to anyone else. Writers jealousy: Comparing ourselves to other writers can ignite or stifle our success, depending on what we tell ourselves. How to write when writing doesnt feel good. How to start writing again if youve been in a rut. Writing about emotionally sensitive topics, and deciding how much about yourself to reveal. Writers overwhelm: From too many ideas and not enough time, to stories that branch off on too many tangents, to the daunting task of starting and finishing books and other large projects. Understanding the difference between perfect and good enough, and establishing a sane middle ground so you can get your good work out there and be more productive. Unlike many Udemy courses you just download and watch, this course is interactive. It includes hands-on journaling exercises to help you get to the root of your biggest mental challenges. In the forums, youll be encouraged to share your thoughts and experiences with other writers, to commiserate and share strategies for success kind of like group therapy but more fun! Dave teaches with a mix of practical advice, motivation and encouragement, and a sprinkling of tough love to get your words moving. He laces it all together with anecdotes and experiences from his life as a travel writer and bestselling author, and shares his personal journey to becoming a more confident, more productive, happier writer who tripled his hourly freelance income with one client after making one simple change in the way he approached his writing. Get on track and write to your fullest potential! If youve ever found yourself wondering why your writing wasnt good enough, or worrying whether it was ever going to be good enough; if youve ever thrown secret mini-tantrums as you stared at your word processor, frustrated that your words werent coming out the way you wanted them to; if youve ever felt stuck, stalled, or anxious about what you were writing or how you were writing it; if youve ever wondered if writing could be easier and more fun; this course will help you unravel the clogs in your brain and write to your fullest potential.(And if you wrestle with challenges such as distraction, organization, time management, editing insecurities, publishing fears, and a long list of other mental challenges that nearly all writers face at one point or another, check out course number two in this series “Overcome Writing Distractions: Stop Procrastinating and Write!”) Sometimes, writing is hard. Thats a reality all writers face. But it doesnt have to be a confidence crusher. Knowing how to write to the best of your ability, how to keep growing your skills to new levels, and how to keep writing on days when youre feeling uncertain, will make writing feel lighter and less arduous. So join us in this fun, high-energy workshop designed to help you tame your mental writing beasts, and become the writer you deserve to be because youve got stories to tell and there are readers out there who are waiting to read them. Dave Fox is dedicated to your success and hes here to help. So sign up today and become a more productive, more confident, more successful, happier writer than youve ever been before~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~"(Daveis) the best writing teacher I have ever had. Talented, funny, approachable, and structured.“Leslie in Surrey, England"Dave Fox is an amazing teacher who will give you online feedba