Option Spreads and Credit Spreads Bundle

Option Spreads and Credit Spreads Bundle
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COURSE BUNDLE - OPTION & CREDIT SPREADS STRATEGIES Details of this bundle are provided here, but you may find more information on the individual course pages. SECTION I - PHILOSOPHY AND DEFINITION OF SPREADS We introduce option spread strategies in this module. Options spreads sit right in between the 4 basic Option positions and the more Advanced level Option strategies. The Spread is the bridge between the basic Option strategies and the advanced strategies. In fact, most advanced strategies are composed of the spreads we cover in this course, so this stuff is the key. For the busy professional, Spreads offer the right mix of reward and risk. All 4 vertical spreads introduced in this course are extensions of the 4 basic Options. Spreads add an element of cost control and / or risk control to individual Options positions. Master the four Options Spreads, and you would have acquired a skill that can create consistent monthly income. Additionally, you’ll be well on your way to mastering the advanced Options strategies. What you will master Advantages and disadvantages of single Option strategies - Long and ShortHow Spreads tackle the negatives of individual OptionsWith Spreads, you can now be a seller of OptionsThe meaning of “defined risk” Options investingSpreads help you control your costs and risk exposureWhat are the differences between credit and debit spreadsControl risk and costs without compromising on Probability SECTION - II REAL LIVE TRADES ON THE 4 OPTION SPREAD STRATEGIES THE BULL CALL SPREAD The Bull Call Spread is an extension of the Long Call Option. When you buy a Call Option, you are bullish. The Bull Call spread maintains the bullish element of the Long Call while controlling your costs and has a limited losses profile. Of course, everything is a compromise. But you would probably be willing to make this compromise. We explain why this spread is called a Bull Call spread, and how to address any confusion from these strange names. The risk-reward profile of a Bull Call spread is very favorable. We define why the Bull Call spread is a Debit spread, and study its Profit and Loss diagrams in detail. We put a real trade on IBM and we navigate the trade for a couple of weeks. THE BEAR CALL SPREAD The Bear Call Spread is a credit spread, and we explain why credit spreads are a viable way to assuming an Option seller’s profile. The Bear Call spread limits your risk. We study the role of Probability in selecting credit spreads as well as implied volatility considerations and time decay. Time decay is a key component of credit spreads and the Bear Call spread can be an excellent way to generate monthly income. All spreads can be part of the busy professional’s playbook, but credit spreads can be especially attractive. We analyze the right criteria for credit spreads, including the selection of the expiry series as well as the individual Options itself. We put a real trade on Amazon (AMZN) and track, monitor and adjust this trade until its exit. THE BEAR PUT SPREAD The Bear Put spread can be a powerful strategy for bear markets. The Bear Put is an extension of the Long Put Option. The Bear Put has some specific features, which make it a very attractive spread, and we dig deep into these characteristics. We put a real trade on Netflix (NFLX). The risk reward characteristics of Bear Put spreads are very attractive as its losses are limited. The Bear Put, just like the Long Put is a Vega positive trade, so this trade can optimize a bearish move as well as any upside from implied volatility changes. The choice of expiry series, time decay effects and the choices of individual Options are also important. THE BULL PUT SPREAD The Bull Put spread is a flat to bullish that profits primarily from time decay, but can also profit quicker from a move to the upside. Its important to pick the right strike prices for the Bull Put spread, as is a thorough analysis of the stock’s chart and support levels. In this course, this is what we do - we pick Google (GOOG) as our candidate for the Bull Put, and analyze past price action, support levels and put on a successful Bull Put spread. MONTHLY INCOME STRATEGIES PRIMER If you have a regular job, then you need strategies that allow you to focus on your job, but yet create a somewhat stable and reliable income stream from your investments. In this PRIMER, we dig deep into credit spreads and understand why being an Option seller (risk defined of course - no naked selling) may not be that bad after all. CREDIT SPREAD STRATEGIES - ADVANCED CREDIT SPREADS SECTION III - Selection Criteria for Credit spreads Consider this course as “Advanced Credit Spreads”. Both these spreads are dissected to convey an advanced level of knowledge and skill in using these credit spreads. Everything from the ideal credit spread trade setup, trade management, adjustments and exit. You’re expected to know what a Bull Put and Bear call spread is. If you have a regular job, then you need strategies that allow you to focus on your job, but yet create a somewhat stable and