Object Oriented Programming for Unity game devs

Object Oriented Programming for Unity game devs
44.99 USD
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Improve your coding skills by learning Object Oriented Programming and how to apply it in Unity. All the theory is explained on game-related examples and next we use a Hands-On project - a prototype of a 2D Shoot ‘Em Up game to learn how to apply what we have learned in a Unity project. Do you find it difficult to add new Enemies, Weapons or new Game Mechanics to your game? Do you spend more time fixing bugs than actually testing the new feature that was meant to take you few minutes to add? If so I bet that you will benefit a lot from learning OOP! Instead of talking about generic concepts like Animal-Dog or Person-Employee we will use game-related examples like implementing different weapons to your game or how to add multiple different enemies to your project. This course is made out of 2 parts: Theory Part: In Section 1 I will explain WHAT is Object-Oriented programming: EncapsulationAbstractionInheritancePolymorphism*We will also talk about composition and why “prefer composition over inheritance” is a GOOD advice. Practical Part: NEXT we will work on a HANDS-ON project by implementing new features and seeing HOWand WHY to apply OOP solution. We will explore why a prototypical code will fail when we want to expend our game with new features and I will show you HOW to use OOP to enable us to easily add new weapons, enemies and other features that we want to have in our game. There is no way to learn OOP just by exploring theory. You need to PRACTICE and explore some game dev related examples to get a feel for how to apply OOP in your code? We will tackle the most common game dev tasks: Adding different weapons to your gameAdding a new game mechanicMaking tour code more component-basedAdding a new enemyWhat you can expect from the course: ?5h of video contentLearning OOP can be done only through practice. After you watch the theory (Section 1) I have prepared few example problems related to Game Dev so that you can PRACTICE what you have learned.A Fully working Shoot’em up game prototypeTheory (WHY) is useless if you don’t know how to apply it in practice.I have prepared a working prototype of a small game that we will refactor so that you can learn HOW to use OOP and WHEN to do it. Project files and scriptsFor each video where we write some code I will provide a github link so that you can view the changes in the code as well as my full project that you can open in unity to find any issue / difference / bug that you might have. My helpIf you don’t understand something just ask here in the comment section or on courses Discord channel. I do my best to daily answer any question.30-Days refund policyIf you don’t enjoy the course let me know and I will issue a refund if you are within the 30 days from the date that you made the purchase. Sunny Valley Studio has already helper more then 4350 students in addition to almost 10 000 subscribers on my YouTube channel to improve there C# coding skills and there knowledge about Unity by showing how to make 2D Platformer, a Juicy 2D shooter game or a 3D Survival game as video courses. On YouTube you can find everything from how to create Minecraft-like voxel world, a turn-based 2d game or an inventory system. Hi! I’m Peter and will be your instructor. I am passionate about programming and Unity (worked for about ~5 years as a programmer / unity dev) and I will do my best to help you to develop game dev and programming skills that you can use to make your own games or to get a job in a game dev studio as a programmer )See you in the course!