NUnit Unit Testing C# Masterclass - Write Unit Test Today!

NUnit Unit Testing C# Masterclass - Write Unit Test Today!
179.99 USD
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THEBESTDEDICATEDCOURSEFORACQUIRINGPRACTICALUNITTESTINGSKILLS USINGNUNIT, MOQ & MICROSOFT VISUALSTUDIOThe primary goal of this course is to teach you everything you need to use Microsoft Visual Studio with NUnit and Moq to write and run unit tests and improve your code efficiency. I will teach you the fundamental concepts of test-driven development. Along the course, I will give you practical demonstrations and exercises for you to train your new unit testing skills. The course will cover topics like: What is unit testing and what is it good forHow to install and configure Microsoft Visual Studio and NUnitWhat are Unit Testing FrameworksWhat is NUnitHow to add NUnit framework to a projectWriting your first testDebugging and running testsMocks and StubsArranging Act & AssetsWhat is Moq Mocking framework?Much more. When you are finished with this course, you will have acquired practical unit testing skills and know-how to write unit tests using the Microsoft Visual Studio, NUtit, Moq Mocking framework and more. you will have laid the foundation for your future development career with your new skills in unit testing. I look forward to meeting you in the course forum where I’ll be available to help you along the way and answer questions that you might have. WHATIS UNITTESTING / NUNIT / MOQ / VISUALSTUDIO?Unit testing is a concept where you test your code at the smallest level possible. It is similar to how cars are tested. When you are developing different parts for a car, you have to test each part in isolation to verify whether it is working as expected or not. Once the test of that part runs clear, it is then integrated with the other components of the car to verify the integration. The same is true for software code where we need to test out functionality at the unit/class/interface/method level to ensure that everything is working as intended. NUnit is a test Framework like JUnit, where you can define your tests cases, tests suites and assertions. If you have a new project that uses .NET programming languages and you want to add unit tests, you can use open source NUnit. NUnit can run all the tests and show you a report Moq is a mocking framework for C#/.NET. It is used in unit testing to isolate your class under test from its dependencies and ensure that the proper methods on the dependent objects are being called. Microsoft Visual Studio is an Integrated Development Environment(IDE) developed by Microsoft to develop GUI(Graphical User Interface), console, Web applications, web apps, mobile apps, cloud, and web services, etc. With the help of this IDE, you can create managed code as well as native codeTOP 3 BENEFITS OF LEARNINGUNITTESTING1: High demand. The most searched keyword by recruiters searching for developers is “unit testing"2: A job requirement. Test-driven development skills are required by most top companies when hiring 3: Job promotion leverage. If you learn practical NUnit unit testing skills, you will have a leg up amongst your colleagues and be at a better position to negotiate a promotion or pay raise. FREQUENTLYASKEDQUESTIONSHow can I benefit from this course? You can benefit from this by completing it and then sharing it on your professional platforms and adding it to your LinkedIn certifications. This way, when recruiters search for “NUnit” and “unit testing” as keywords, your profile will show up and they will contact you. What do Ineed to get the most out of the lessons? Firstly, you need to have a basic understanding of the fundamentals of programming. Secondly, you need the motivation to learn new concepts and improving your skillset. If you have these things, the course will be a good learning experience for you. GUARANTEEIf within 30 days of buying the course you decide that it’s not for you, please get a refund. We only want happy students. ARE YOU READY TO LEARNPRACTICALUNITTESTINGSKILLSWITHVISUALSTUDIOANDNUNIT?Please press the “Take This Course” button and start learning 2 minutes from now!