Node. js Certification Training

Node. js Certification Training
199.99 USD
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A warm welcome to the Node. js course by Uplatz. Node. js is a JavaScript environment that allows you to perform a multitude of tasks and build all sorts of exciting applications. Node. js can be defined as a dynamic, cross-platform and open-source JavaScript framework or runtime environment that is built on the Google Chrome JavaScript V8 engine. Developed by Ryan Dahl in 2009, Node. js was initially implemented as a client-side scripting language. Nowadays, it is used to execute JavaScript code and scripts that run server-side to create dynamic web pages. Node. js is an open source server environment and essentially allows you to run JavaScript on the server. In summary, Node. js is an open-source, cross-platform, JavaScript runtime environment that provides way to run JavaScript code outside of a web browser. Node. js helps us to use JavaScript for server-side scriptingrunning scripts server-side to produce dynamic web page content before the page is sent to the users web browser. Node. js Features and BenefitsMost web developers implement Node. js due to its amazing and powerful features. Key features of Node. js include: Faster code executionHighly scalableNon-blocking APIsNo bufferingWith such wonderful features, Node. js is widely used for creating server-side and networking applications. The following are the key areas where Node. js is widely used:I/O-bound applicationsData streaming applicationsData-intensive real-time applications (DIRT)JSON API-based applicationsSingle-page applicationsMost of the top organizations use Node. js for e.g. IBM, Apple, AT & T, and the like. Uplatz provides this comprehensive training on Node. js. This Node. js course provides an introduction to web application development by way of JavaScript and the node. js environment. The delegates will learn the basics of server-side web development using the MEAN stack (MongoDB, Express. js, Angular/Angular 2, node. js). The Node. js course introduces students to models of software development that can apply to any web development environment, including the application server (node. js), Model View Controller (MVC) frameworks using Express. js, front-end frameworks (Angular), and databases (MongoDB). The course includes setting up a node. js environment, building web APIs and full-stack JavaScript applications, and following good application development practices. This Node. js training also teaches you to build a production-ready Node. js JSON API. The course uses MongoDB for the database to help you gain hands-on experience in developing the backend in Node. js. Course ObjectivesBuild, test and deploy Node applications with confidenceUse cutting-edge ES8 JavaScriptStore complex data in MongoDBLearn all about Node module systemUse existing Node packages or publish your ownWrite asynchronous JavaScript code (promises and async/await)Implement CRUD operationsStore complex, relational data in MongoDB using MongooseImplement data validationImplement authentication and authorizationHandle and log errors effectivelySet up configuration for various environments (dev, test, prod)Write unit and integration testsBuild features using test-driven developmentNode. js - Course SyllabusIntroduction to Node. jsInstalling Node JSVar Hoisting and Functional Scopelet and const, let vs constFunction Expressions and Arrow FunctionsDefault Parameters, Rest Operator and Spread OperatorString TemplatesJava Script Modules Export and Importfor. of loopObjects and Object LiteralsDestructuring Arrays and ObjectsGlobal ObjectsExporting Classes and FunctionsPromisesNode. js Modules, Module Patterns, Shared Memory ModulesNode Package Manager (npm)Installing and uninstalling modulesHow to generate package. json using npmNode. js EventsNode. js File SystemNode InspectorNode. js URL ModuleInstalling NodemonClient and ServerCreating a ServerStreams and BuffersPipesServing HTML PagesServing JSON DataRouting in Node. jsNode. Js Uploading FilesSending Emails in Node. jsNode. js With MongoDB DatabaseConnecting to MongoDBCreating DatabaseCreating Collections and Dropping CollectionsSaving DataSelecting DataDeleting DataUpdating DataQuerying DataSorting DataLimit34. Node. js with Mongo DB Cloud35. Node. js with MySQLApplications of Node. jsReal-time web applicationsStreaming applicationsMessaging appsChat programsSocial media appsVirtual emulatorsMultiplayer gamesCollaboration toolsAPIAdvantages of Node. jsNode. js offers an easy scalabilityEasy to learnNode. js is a single programming languageThe benefit of FullStack JSKnown for offering high performanceThe support of large and active communityAdvantage of cachingOffers the freedom to develop AppsGetting support for commonly used toolsHandles the Requests simultaneouslyNode. js is highly extensible