Nanotechnology: A Beginners Guide

Nanotechnology: A Beginners Guide
19.99 USD
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There is presently a phenomenal measure of interest in nanomaterials also, nanotechnologies, terms presently known not exclusively to researchers, specialists, engineers, and item fashioners yet additionally to the overall population. Nanomaterials and nanotechnologies have been created as an outcome of genuinely critical late advances in the material science network. Their utilization, thusly, is relied upon to have colossal results on the plan and designing of everything from regular purchaser items and structures all the route through complex frameworks that help an abundance of utilizations in the automobiles, aviation, and different enterprises. Expectations exist for having the option to make things more modest, lighter, or work better than is conceivable with ordinary materials. This course is for anyone who wants to understand the basics of Nanotechnology. In this course you will be introduced to all the information about the basics of nanotechnology and nanomaterials. Here you will understand the true meaning of Nano, the history of nanotechnology, how much small a nanometer really is, where it can be used, what are its advantages and disadvantages, what is the meaning of nanomaterials how many types of nanomaterials are there in an easy and understandable manner. This course is very simple and would be very helpful for the newcomers in the nanoworld.