Mulesoft An "In-depth & Extensive" Tutorial for Beginners

Mulesoft An "In-depth & Extensive" Tutorial for Beginners
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Do note: [ This training material is purely dedicated to freshers/beginners alone ]The way I see to learn anything in this universe is: “How do you learn”. While you are in the process of learning, then comes the question: “What are you learning” and “How the learning” can be benefited in then real world. The focus should not be in clearing the exam, it should be in “Learning” alone. With this in mindset, you are going to learn the following concepts in Mulesoft: -Module 101 talks about basic on the Mulesoft which are:-Marrying the Anypoint Studio and PlatformMulesoft DependenciesThe folder structure and some of the important linksThe next Module, 102 the content we deal with includes:-HTTP Invocation and invoking some of the external APIDealing with HTTP Query parameters and URI Parameters and some of the various HTTP Methods that we use in day to day IT lifeAs we progress a little bit further, then we start dealing with Database and Mulesoft Structures like:-Installation and Configuration of Oracle and MySQL databaseHow to make use of the database component in anypoint studio and playing around with various set of database operationsExecuting the Queries(SQL and MySQL)How to create a variable, set a variableUnderstanding MELSending HTTP Response back to the calling service & HTTP OverridingDebugging in Anypoint StudioAs we get along with the above said concepts then we start narrowing down to the concepts like:-Dataweave, a powerful data transformation. The dataweave itself is divided into 4 modules and it talks aboutOperatorsSelectorsDataTypesArrays, Objects, StringsCoercions, Casting, Numbers, XMLHigher Order Functions & FunctionsFunctional ProgrammingLambda expressionAnonymous functionPattern MatchingError handlingCore Module and more. A complete treat for dataweave loversDatabase and error handling which includes:-Database operationsOnerrorContinue, OnerrorPropagate, Sub flows and flowsRaise error and error handlerAs we further progress in our course we start to see the following modules like:-ActiveMQInstallation of ActiveMQPublish & Subscribe DataJMS ConceptsQueues and TopicRequest ReplyAcknowledgement ModeObject Store, Water Marking and Batch ProcessingSecurity and DeploymentCreation of YAML fileSecuring yaml and properties fileExternalizing the properties fileDeployment to cloudhubMulesoft ComponentsScatter GatherFor eachParallel ForeachHTTP RequestCachingAsyncChoiceUntil Successful, File connectorRound Robin and First SuccessfulOnce we gained the above knowledge, our depth for mulesoft has increased more. With these we will start to learn on more powerful concepts like: -MunitQuery Parameters & Assert ThatAssert That, Assert Expression, Maven, Folder Path, Extract Report and What is MunitMock when, HTTP Error handle and ReadURLHandle HTTP Error, Spy Call, Externalize Dataweave, Parametrized - Set ParametersList of flows, Munit Recorder, Before and After ScopesRAMLCreate Sample Spec, Publish and Download To StudioDefine QueryParameter and uriParamter Define Request and ResponseTypes & Examples Create Example within DataTypeRecourseTypesTraitsLibraryAdding Module DependenciesCICDUsage of MavenGit & Visual StudioJenkinsNexusSonarQubePoliciesAuto DiscoveryProxy EndpointBasic End Point & JSON Threat ProtectionClient ID and Client Sec - QueryParams & Headers - How to share the API to other usersClientID Enforce Basic Authentication & Public Portal Request AccessMessage Logging, Header Injection and RemovalRate Limiting - Policy OrderRate Limit SLAHTTP CachingCustom Policy - Maven Archetype & Automated PoliciesAlong with the above said concepts we also deal with:-Salesforce integration with MulesoftWeb Service SOAP/XMLAbout MavenUsage of Anypoint PlatformUsage of Python, Java Module and Groovy within Anypoint StudioAs mentioned earlier, this is an extensive course work on Mulesoft. As rest assured, there are more modules to be added as we get along with the mulesoft journey. I wish you all a very best in your Mulesoft Journey.