Modern Copywriting: Writing copy that sells in 2022

Modern Copywriting: Writing copy that sells in 2022
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The words you write for your business are directly tied to the overall success of your marketing efforts. On top of that, choosing the right words can make the difference between your launch hitting 5 figures or 7 figures. your clickthrough rates hovering at 15% or 70% your Facebook posts being shared 20 times or 2,000 times your landing pages converting at 5% or 65%And most important The right words can make the difference between your business fighting to keep the lights on vs. your business breaking sales records every time you launch a new promotion. All because of the words you chose to put on the page. The best part?You dont have to guess what to write. You can learn exactly what words will increase the level of your success Every. Single. Time. No guesswork, no finger crossing, no hoping and praying the words you write will do what you need them to do. When you hit send or publish, you can feel comfortable knowing the words youve chosen have the best chance to get you more engagement, more subscribers, more conversions, more sales, or more of whatever it is youre looking to accomplish. And you can do this by learning how to effectively apply copywriting best practices to everything you write. Whether youre aware of it or not, copywriting is one of the most essential elements of effective marketing. Its the art and science of strategically delivering words that get people to take some form of action. Need more subscribers? Copywriting can help. Need more opens, more engagement, more conversions? Youve got it. Copywriting can help there, too. How about more sales? Of course! Becoming good at copywriting gives you one of the most powerful and predictable tools to transform the success of your business. Sound too good to be true?Well, imagine this Youre sitting at your computer, coffee in hand, writing an email to your list of subscribers. Youre excited because you know - based on the copywriting techniques youve used in both the subject line and body of your email - theres a high likelihood your subscribers will not only open your email, but also read whats inside and be motivated to click on your call to action. Youre even more excited because those very same users are going to click-through to a landing page with proven persuasion tactics baked into the copy on the page almost guaranteeing a flood of conversions and sales for your business. You wrap up the email, hit send, take a deep breath, and start watching the orders roll in. Sounds pretty amazing, dont you think?Well, thats exactly what youre going to learn how to do in this course. Lets take a look at whats covered inside: Section 1Still unsure what copywriting is? You wont be after this section. In addition to the basics, youll also learn the importance of having a thorough understanding of your audience, products, competition, and your brands unique voice. Once youve got this down, then you can start writing. Section 2Youre ready to start crafting your copy. But first, you need to understand the techniques and tactics copywriters use to put it all together. How do you use persuasion tactics or stir up emotion in your reader? What power words get people to take action? This is the section where you find out. Section 3Ahh, good ol formulas - making life easier for everyone since the dawn of time. Well, maybe not that long but you get the idea. In this section, youll learn classic copywriting formulas that nearly eliminate writers block. Applying them to your own work will make writing a breeze once youre done. Section 4Plan on writing for a B2B audience? Its going to require something a little different. Here youll learn the strategies you need to hit the right tone and messaging when targeting other businesses. So pay attention, because understanding these nuances will dramatically improve your results. Section 5If copywriting had an MVP, it would likely be headlines. If you dont create an excellent one, your reader will move on to something else in the blink of an eye. In this section, youll learn how to craft captivating headlines that draw people in and keep them moving down the page. Oh, and more formulas? Yes, please! In sections 6 through 11, youre going to learn the know-how of nailing copywriting for specific types of projects, including: Landing pages and Calls to Action (CTAs)EmailSocial MediaVideoPress Releases & Content MarketingEach of these sections will dig into what kind of copywriting works best, and the methodologies and techniques you can use to get the results you want each time you sit down to write. To top it all off, youll get access to worksheets and handouts for each section, hours of instructional videos guiding you through the topics, and a high-level breakdown of relevant case studies to support your learning and make sure your new copywriting skills are able to shine. By the end of this course, youll have everything you need to take your business to the next level through the art and science of Copywriting. Are you ready to write copy that does all the heavy lifting for you?Enroll now