Modern Android App Development Bootcamp With Kotlin 2020

Modern Android App Development Bootcamp With Kotlin 2020
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Hi & & WelcomeModern Android App Development Bootcamp With Kotlin 2020Learn To Code By Making Android Apps From Scratch With Zero Coding Exp Learn To Think to Design To Build All in one Courseif your are interested in android app development then you are in the right place this course will take you from the beginning all the way to the end. Time to become the next android developerWe are going to Talk About Basics topics Like Kotlin and Design then we are going to Talk About Android Studio Functionality From Basics Like Adding a Text then Image then We are going to Talk About The intermediate Topics Like Animations and Play an Audios and Videos ListViews, RecyclerView and also we are going to build 6 android apps and throw these two sections we are going to talk about the Android Views then we are going to talk about the advanced android Topics Like The Sqlite Database then Firebase Database and also we are going to build 5 Advanced Android Apps This Course is highly focus on Build Android Apps With Different Ideas Using the Latest Features From Android Topics Are Covered: -where you are going to Learn every thing that you need to developer Great Android AppsFrom Scratch and with no Coding EXP, We Are going to Build 25 android appsand this course contain Every thing that you need to know about android developmentTopics are: - Learn Kotlin- Learn java- TextView and buttons-Intents-Images-Audios-Videos-Animations- Design-Bottom Navigation View-Fragments-Android Libraries- Android Errors-ListViews-RecyclerView-Quiz App-Code Editor App-Advanced Android Features- Design Advanced Layout-Recording Video with the Camera-Take photo using Camera -Share Images-SQL Database-Searching Skills - Advanced Fragment- ViewPager and Fragment - Fragment and RecyclerView- FireBase - Authntication - Password Rest - Email Verfication - Update Email - Database - Upload Data - Read Data- Upload Images - Create online school App With Firebase - Download Anything From the Internet- Market Your App - Motivation Sectionif you have some EXP with Android then you can skip the 2 First Sectionsyou can see the app that we are going to Build in the first Video of each section and you can seeif you want to skip the section or notif you want to be android developer then you are in the Right place Take this Courseand Become an Android App Developer if (course == bad) { 30DayMoneyBack = true } else { haveFun()}if you want to be android developer then you are in the Right place Take this Course and Become an Android App Developer Thank You SO Much