Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Awareness 21 Day CHALLENGE

Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Awareness 21 Day CHALLENGE
149.99 USD
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+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++We are top Udemy instructors in the personal developmentcategory. Our courses have been taken by over 700,000+ happy students from 200 countries. We have a thriving community in the course and we are actively involved and answer questions within 24h.The course also has a thriving Facebook networking group. If you want to get CERTIFIED as a life coach to use this material with your clients or workshop participants, look for our “Mindfulness Life Coach Certification” course. Note: This course contains the SAME core content as the Certification, so you do not need to enroll in both.+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Studies have shown that people spend almost 50% of their daily life on autopilot, meaning that your probably missing out on your life because youre lost in thought, worry, or stress. And if youre like most people, you probably put countless energy and money into things that you believe will help you be happier, healthier, and live longer. But what if I told you that there is one simple thing that you can do every day that will not only help you extend your life but will help you actually experience more OF your life? The solution is MINDFULNESS. So, if you are tired of being stressed out, frustrated, unable to stop negative thinking. .and youre ready to finally live fully aware, awake, and alive. Then join us for the 21 Day Mindfulness, Meditation and Self-Awareness ChallengeIn just 20 minutes a day for 3 weeks you will learn mindfulness and meditation techniques that will help you: Master your monkey mindReduce stressManage negative emotionsEnjoy your life more and increase happiness and well being Increase focus and attentionincrease productivity and more importantly live a more intentional life You will achieve this things with simple yet powerful mindfulness techniques that you can practice anywhere and at anytime. You will also finish the 21 day mindfulness challenge with momentum and foundation to make mindfulness part of your unconscious daily routine. Keep in mind that this mindfulness course comes with life time access so you will be able to come back to it and utilize the tools and meditations as many times as you wish. . We are passionate about teaching people to develop self-awareness and mindfulness because our ability to remain centered and focused is what has allowed us to thrive through even the most challenging parts of life. In fact, when I was sick and bed ridden for a year I used many of these mindfulness techniques to not only help me find peace but also find joy in the darkest places. In my many emergency room visits, the doctors wondered why I would be laughing and joking around with Natalie while my body was basically shutting down. The reason was that mindfulness helped me detach from the chaos and see the light at the end of tunnel, regardless of how dim it was because we were able to focus in the moment rather than being lost in worrying thoughts. Therefore, we know the power of mindfulness and this is why we are so excited to share these tools with you.21 Day Mindfulness and Meditation Challenge OUTLINE: In Week 1 youll practice enjoying the present moment and learning how to be mindful in everyday life. In Week 2 youll learn to be the observer of your thoughts and emotions so you can master your monkey mind and manage negative emotions. In Week 3 youll take what youve learned and use it to develop self-compassion, take back control of what and who you allow to influence you, and practice being more present with others. Why practice mindfulness? Nearly all people who are extremely successful, as well as most professional athletes, use mindfulness because study after study have revealed the amazing benefits! Mindfulness and meditation have been shown to actually change the areas of the brain associated with memory, learning and regulation of emotion. This leads to increased mental clarity and concentration, reduced stress, and increased experiences of peace and happiness. Plus, its been shown to have powerful health benefits, including improving sleep, raising energy, increasing immune function, lowering blood pressure and reducing pain and headaches. So, who are we? We are Joeel & Natalie Rivera, serial entrepreneurs, authors, speakers, and educators. We have over a decade of experience in the field of psychology and life coaching. All of our programs are designed based on our experience in coaching, social services, psychology, and education, as well my Masters in Counseling and research on happiness for my dissertation for a PhD in psychology. At the time of this recording, we have over 300,000+ students from 195 countries. Copyright Transformation Services, Inc. All Rights Reserved