Microsoft 70-484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store.

Microsoft 70-484: Essentials of Developing Windows Store.
199.99 USD
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Our Essentials of Developing Windows Store Apps Using C# course provides developers with the knowledge and decision making skills for utilizing C# and Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 to develop and design Windows store apps, create user interfaces, and manage security and data. This course provides credit towards the MCSD certification. This course is designed for developers with two to five years of experience with C# and XAML applications, as well as experience with developing applications in accordance with Windows Store app guidelines. The primary objectives of this course include: Designing UI layout and structureDesigning for separation of concernsApplying the MVVM patternDesigning and implementing Process Lifetime ManagementThe app deployment processAccessing and displaying contactsDesigning for charms and contactsSearch implementationShare implementationManaging app settings and preferencesCreating layout aware apps and implementing layout controlsApp bar design and implementationData presentationCreating and managing XAML styles and templatesCreating and managing tilesToast notificationsInput device managementNavigation design and implantationData access strategiesRetrieving data remotelyData binding implementationManaging Windows and Web AuthenticationWe create the highest quality course curriculum possible, ensuring you receive the training and knowledge needed to succeed.