Microservices with Java & Spring Interview Guide

Microservices with Java & Spring Interview Guide
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This Practice Test helps you to check where you are and also enhances your knowledge on Java Microservices, and whether your current skills are matching Industry standards. Exam Topics: Core Java and Design PatternsCore Java covers the basic concepts of the Java programming language. . It comes under Java SE. It comes under Java EE or J2EE. It covers core topics such as OOPs, inheritance, exception handling, etc. It covers advanced topics such as JDBC, Collection Framework etc. Spring Core, Security with Spring BootThe Spring framework comprises of many modules such as core, beans, context, expression language, AOP, Aspects, Instrumentation, JDBC, ORM, OXM, JMS, Transaction etc. Spring Boot helps developers create applications that just run. Specifically, it lets you create standalone applications that run on their own, without relying on an external web server, by embedding a web server such as Tomcat or Netty into your app during the initialisation processMicroservice ArchitectureMicroservices architecture is an approach in which a single application is composed of many loosely coupled and independently deployable smaller services. These services typicallyhave their own technology stack, inclusive of the database and data management model;communicate with one another over a combination of REST APIs, event streaming, and message brokers; andare organised by business capability, with the line separating services often referred to as a bounded context. If you are already a Java Microservice developer or aspiring to be Microservice developer, this practice test is very useful to you. These questions makes you to analyse the concepts, which will help you to get more insight on the Microservice area. All the very Best