Messages from Aliens? Crop Circles; Signs of Hope

Messages from Aliens? Crop Circles; Signs of Hope
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Have you ever wondered what these strange circles are all about? They appear mostly in crops but astonishingly also in the tops of trees, in ice and desserts. They are the most unusual phenomenon and the most complex and stunning! There is footage of light orbs making them and so much documentary scientific evidence its a wonder why they arent the most studied subject in the world! To me they are so significant to humanity but perhaps were not ready yet to realise it. The Crop Circle phenomena, first photographed in the 1970’s, yet it has been happening for generations. You will learn about the mystery of the Crop Circles. Are they part of the UFO paranormal phenomena made by extraterrestrial life forms, aliens from other worlds or are they hoaxes made by man? In this course you will learn about the history, the science, strange lights that may create the designs, the sacred geometry and numerology, synchronicity, healing andtheories as to how and why they have graced us with their beauty. All through the course you will be seeing over 30 aerial and ground shots of various formations including some of the most iconic. You will also hear about my own personal stories in a section at the end and you will have the opportunity to listen to meditations with two of the formations. This is an extensive course, all you need to know about the Crop circles in order to fall in love with the phenomena as I did many years ago. I welcome you to come for the ride!