Melody Production Masterclass

Melody Production Masterclass
99.99 USD
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A hands on approach to learning how to make melodies in any digital audio workstation, from a dance music ghost producer. While writing this course description in the third person, Colin will teach you: What makes one melodic idea better than another oneResources for diving deeper into music theory (this is not a comprehensive music theory course)How to dissect the melodies that make up your favorite tracksHow to begin make melodic ideas that are uniquely your ownFirst 1/4 of the course is free to preview, check it out, and if you like it buy it. Then if you don’t like it after ya buy it, refund it. It’s a free world kids-They want me to make this course description at least 200 words long, so here’s me just typing my stream of thought. Apples are pretty underrated. People underestimate how much energy 7-8 hours of high quality sleep, a healthy diet and a regimented exercise routine gives you. They continually think you’re on crack. You gotta do you man, and not care what anyone else thinks. That’s the secret to making great music, and honestly just great life advice in general. Cats are overrated. Dogs?Yeah, they’re hyped up for a good reason. How am I not at 200 words yet this is fucking ridiculous.