Meditation Teacher Certification for in-person & recording

Meditation Teacher Certification for in-person & recording
129.99 USD
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Meditation Teacher / Guide Certification (ACCREDITED)Debra has been teaching meditation since a 2008 India study travels. She uses a variety of methods in this course for a deep dive into teaching many styles including mindfulness, silent, and guided scripting. Be the absolute best meditation teacher and guide you can be with this accredited certificate course from a trained meditation teacher with experience in teaching in person and creating recordings with a chakra powered voice. Learn to intuitively teach your best style of meditation and get the best training possible to best help students. You can become a well-trained meditation teacher and learn to use the tools of microphones, software recording, stage presence, and publishing in the 64+ lessons. Get Q & A with all subjects and help finding your own voice and style. Nothing was overlooked in creating this course. No matter the style of meditation you prefer, the thorough (yet straight-to-the-point) lessons of this course will help you. Do not stay stagnant with guided meditation practice only- explore many types of mindfulness and meditation. Many mental health providers have praised this course for how well it helps them with guiding patients or groups. An important take away is how to lead those with anxiety or in a large group. That is important work. You can even get intuitive, knowledgeable coaching about what type of meditation teaching suits you. Past students have developed creative meditations to share with the entire world on YouTube and apps. This is a course that will first better your own meditation practice by guiding you in numerous styles of meditation and tips to improve your own practice. Then, it offers a certification to guide others. All students submit a sample for 2nd accreditation so studios can trust the requirements in earning was done with a sample test. This is unique to Debra’s course. The second half teaches you how to offer meditation to others. It covers all of the main things needed to teach. The subjects of teaching, finding space to teach, guiding those in class with traumas, finding your voice, speaking with confidence, energy healing voice, recording for apps, and how to sell and market yourself are covered. It also details why to teach meditation and that it is not all about money. but why it is okay to charge to meditation. There is a proper certification exam with a meditation recording approval at the end of the course. Not just Udemy recorded lessons! Live video Q & A to help your learning and add on to any style of meditation you wish to hear more about. How this course stands out: Through the Udemy message board, you have the ability to get advice from the teacher always within 24 hours and other students- about scripts or YouTube or meditation apps or to connect to a meditation teacher community. This allows us to learn together. This course was designed by an instructional designer to be very thorough in teaching everything you need to know in a visually pleasing manner with nearly 4 hours content. Certification:A Udemy certificate is given automatically after completion. A 2nd accredited certificate is offered for free through the submission of a simple recorded meditation sample to Debra (not required for certification but adds proof you tested with actual teaching to get the 2nd certificate). Do not worry- audio quality is not judged unless requested by the student. The 2nd certificate is emailed from Debra’s meditation and yoga website. Again, 2nd certificate or sample submission is not required to get Udemy branded certificateThere are over 64 lessons discussing meditation and guiding. Why to practice, how to meditate, how to sit, how to put your hands, whether to lie or sit, where to look, and how to even schedule this in your busy day. How to get a better practice yourself? Get tips in setting a practice. Recorded meditations from Debra Wilder are included to practice with. Learn how to meditate silently without guided meditations or music. Learn tips that can help you think less in meditation. Heal your body and increase energy with relaxing breathing exercises, chakras, and visualizing meditations. All of the main styles of meditation are covered. You can also use it to assist in teaching another style. The tips work for all. The technical parts of teachings are covered such as choosing microphones and how to edit audio specifically for guided meditation. As a teacher of meditation, you will have a grounded spot to offer your style of teaching. You can teach in-person at studios, retreats, your workplace or go strictly online. I cover everything I have learned in my teaching since 2009.What is mindfulness? How is it different than meditation?How do you teach classes with trauma or PTSD students? Why is it highly important to know especially after 2020? Should they have eyes open or closed? Are group classes for everyone? Is chanting for everyone? Silent? People with higher anxiety and PTSD have special needs normally ignored in meditation programs. Even guided me