MEDITATION: easiest techniques and practical advice?

MEDITATION: easiest techniques and practical advice?
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Hello “every body” (and every soul),I have the pleasure to share with you this course proposingpractical technicsandnumerous operational methodstoapply quickly in your daily life. I will sharemany tips to avoid difficultiesthat most people encounter during their learning process. Mymain goal is to simplify MEDITATION for anybody! The objective is to share with you the spirit of meditation for you to infuse the essence, the spirit of it the ins, and the outs to assimilate better.I will share my 20 years of practice through the main currents and schools: 1-Vipassana, 2-Zazen, 3-Meditation Transcendental, 4-Mindfulness, 5-Visualization. Among them, I will give you a maximum oftips, advice to avoid the main obstacles: like the difficulties to focus and concentrating on something in ordernot to be a victim of your overthinking mind (the monkey mind). We will see many different technics and themes clearly explained with somedifferent supports: pictures, oral explanations, music, and videos. This class is asynthesis of the major techniques of meditation on the planet(having been taught in different temples in the world: India, China, Sri Lanka, Laos) (still and in motion) with the desire to facilitate your teaching andto save time. The objective is that you love meditation and it becomes a part of yourself, a physiological need bringing you new perspectives, a new grid of reading the “Great book of Life”. The main goal of learning meditation is to give you a source ofinward and outward harmonyfor you to come back to your center (medium = “the center” in Latin > to meditate): to dig down your inner self and activate your higher self which is a bridge with the outer world. In the end, meditation will change your existence bringing you a good balance of life and more inner peace. NB: In addition to that, as a kind of bonus and for free, I share with you my YouTube channelJust type Aurelien Millot Master Key(s) you will find it. It is for opening your mind, discovering new perspectives of life in general for those who are on a certain quest for the meaning of life to continue this Awakening adventure. Wishing you all the bestWith Light & LoveAM