Hi there! Welcome, and thanks for choosing Class Creatives Maya & Unreal: 3DAnimation Jump Flip Fundamentals Complete Guide From Beginners to Pros Body Mechanics! In this foundation course we will be learning the fundamentals of Character Animation for games (specifically for the Unreal engine, but this method will also work for other game engines such as Unity).Learn everything necessary for a Character Animation Jump Flip utilizing Autodesk Maya taught by a AAA game professional with university level accredited instruction! Autodesk Maya is the industry standard 3D animation software, understanding the concepts in this course will help you land a job in the game, film, tv, or music industry. In this course you will learn how to animate your custom created character from scratch. We will cover the following core skill sets: Getting started with Maya and understanding the animation processUnderstanding how to utilize the reference image plane in Maya to create a realistic game engine ready Jump Flip AnimationStrong Fundamentals of Animation Body MechanicsProcess of using IK/FKcontrollers and best practices of Unreal Engine’s A.R.T. tools for Autodesk MayaHow to Blend Custom Animations to Existing Idle to Create a Loophole and Programmable AnimationUnreal Engine’s A.R.T. rigging tools for Autodesk MayaUnderstanding hotkeys to animate and rig quicklyAnimating with keyframesAnimating a production ready jump flip quickly and efficientlyExporting the character rig, and animation to the Unreal Engine NOTECourse does NOT include custom character mesh. ART tools will include mannequin mesh which will allow all animation and lessons to be animated without a mesh or completing a custom rig. Course is strictly showing the process of animating a character of choice, for ANY character regardless of software or rig limitations. Maya 2022 for Mac OS (Pc/Linux Maya 2022 both currently support Python 2) currently only supports Python 3; the Art tools will require Python 2 which is currently only supported in Maya 2020 on Mac OS. Well be utilizing the latest software packages that top tier gaming studios of today use to create all of your favorite titles! Autodesk Maya, Unreal Engines Maya Animation Rigging Toolset (A.R.T. for short), and the Unreal game engine. Why Learn From Class Creatives?This course features an accredited university level animation instructor who has over 15 years of experience animating both keyframe, and motion capture for studios such as Naughty Dog, Insomniac, Guerilla Games, Sucker Punch, Google, Disney and more. Whether it be a complex hyper realistic animation or a cartoony stylized Disney character animation it ALL starts with the fundamentals which we cover in these lectures. Who This Course is For: Whether you are just a beginner interested in Character Rigging and Animation, or a Master professional looking to brush up on your current skill set, this course has material you surely wont want to miss! As with all Class Creatives courses, weve laid out a structure that covers the full spectrum of industry standard character workflows from start to finish. Please remember, if this is your first time creating rigging or animating a 3D character, we highly recommend that you follow the outline carefully, according to how our instructors have structured the course. We wouldnt want you to miss out on any details! However, if you are an advanced user and are looking for something specific to add to your repertoire feel free to dive in and skip to any sections youd like to focus on.