Mastering VS Code 2022 with Salesforce

Mastering VS Code 2022 with Salesforce
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Hi, are you looking to get into programming, or have you already started and struggling to use slow editors and heavy IDEs?Well, would you like to use a lightweight but fast and efficient source code editor that can handle all of your tasks?Then, Visual Studio Code is the best choice for you.I’m Rohit Kumar and I’ll be leading you through this course. So, what exactly is VS code?Formally, Visual Studio code as mentioned above is a lightweight but fast and powerful source code editor which can run on Windows, Linux, and Mac. It comes with built-in support for JavaScript, TypeScript, and Node. js and has rich support for other programming languages such as C/C++, C#, Java, Python, PHP, Go, and runtimes (such as .NET and Unity) and Salesforce. This course will teach you everything about VS code from basics to advanced. My main focus will be on improving your productivity and giving you a nice workflow for writing code professionally. You can go through the course content to see the topics covered in this course. Now, why take this course This course stands out with many advantages and highlights: This course offers the most recent and updated content of Visual studio code for 2022Visual Studio Code is the number one development tool of the momentWe are going to make learning more interactive by having assignments quizzes and lecture notes in every section. The cheat sheet containing all the keyboard shortcuts used will be attached as a resource for the lectures.I’m always there to help you at any point in time whenever needed. So, are you still waiting? Enroll now and unlock the key to great productivity, no matter what technology you work on!