Mastering The Combinations Of Major Arcana Tarot Reading

Mastering The Combinations Of Major Arcana Tarot Reading
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Mastering The Combinations Of Major Arcana Tarot Reading Master Your Tarot Reading To The Next Level: Working With Tarot Combinations In The Major ArcanaThis course has been put together as a wonderful compliment to any Tarot course or a spiritual light that wants to get a deeper understanding of the Major Arcana and the use of combinations. Tarot is an amazing tool for divination and has been around for century’s, Iwanted to create a course that can give a different view, an intuitive perspective. We take into consideration symbolism, numerology, astrology, keywords and flow state to give you a simple but comprehensive way of bringing more depth to your Tarot readings. Not only do we breakdown the pillars of the combinations, but we go into each card with a flavour of meaning and practical examples of some of the possible combinations. This course is perfect for those who have an understanding of Tarot and want to sit and have a video chat about the way I use the cards and my experiences doing Tarot for over 30 years. Join me today and sign up, as I always say when the student is ready the teacher will appear. Here I am and thanks to you I am one of the highest rate instructors here on Udemy and have over 15 highest rated and best selling course. You are in safe handsBe Love Give LoveJulian x