Mastering StimulusJS 2.0.0 by building 15+ projects

Mastering StimulusJS 2.0.0 by building 15+ projects
19.99 USD
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Welcome to Mastering StimulusJS2.0.0 by building 15+projects! In this course, you’re going to learn StimulusJS with its respective pillars - Controller, Action, Target, Value, & Class. Stimulus is a JavaScript framework with modest ambitions. It doesnt seek to take over your entire front-endin fact, its not concerned with rendering HTML at all. Instead, its designed to augment your HTML with just enough behavior to make it shine. StimulusJS was released in Feb 2018 by Basecamp, and updated to Version 2.0.0 with the additional Value & Class APIlast December. This course includes bite-size projects, which you can plug and play into your application. Besides, your time is being value and this course is specialised on StimulusJS. A starter project is prepared for you so that you won’t have to worry about styling or HTMLmarkup. Furthermore, this course follows ‘Architect before Code’ strategy, which I’ll bring you through the thought process before writing and code. Value & Class will be covered in this course as well. Several quizzes are prepared for you to reinforce your understanding on the lesson taught. The projects covered are:1) Copy toClipboard2)Accordian3)Counter App4)Dark/Light mode5)Price Slider6)Select/De-select All7)Progress Bar8)Countdown Timer9)Snackbar10)Todo List11)Typewriter Effect12)Modal13)Pomodoro App14)Scroll Indicator15) Slideshow