Mastering Blockchain: Blockchain Development Bootcamp

Mastering Blockchain: Blockchain Development Bootcamp
149.99 USD
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~ Complete Blockchain Development course that cover all three public, permissioned and private blockchains in detail~ Blockchain Basics explained that include Cryptography, Consensus and Distributed ledger that explains how the information is secured and transaction digitally signed, how peers reach to outcome of any given input and how the data is replicated to all the peers in the network~ Blend of theory and practical’s on Blockchain topics where first basics of the topic is covered and then demo’s are shown for that topic~ Multiple demo’s and assignments with detailed documentation for each and every topic~ Bitcoin basics explained where Bitcoin blockchain functioning explained and how transaction flow there. Bitcoin wallets also explained and how to perform transaction using that~ Ethereum Blockchain explained with some basic concepts like gas, Ethereum Virtual Machine, smart contract etc~ Ethereum development steps explained where ~ Smart Contract development using solidity where solidity basics are covered including variables, functions with hands-on exercises ~ Hyperledger Fabric which is enterprise and permissioned blockchain explained along with development steps~ Chaincode Development using go lang and how chaincode lifecycle works where you will learn how to package the chaincode, how to install the chaincode package on peers, approve chaincode definition and then finally commit the chaincode definition to channel~ How to access chaincode functions~ Multichain Blockchain explained along with development steps where You will learn how to create multichain instance and connect to that from other modesHow to create assets and how to exchange between nodesHow to create streams and write data to itHow to perform mining and set different parameters~ Access Smart Contract functions from outside for Ethereum, Fabric and Multichain blockchains