Manage social anxiety and create meaningful connections

Manage social anxiety and create meaningful connections
34.99 USD
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Social anxiety can be an overwhelming feeling, even paralyzing. It is our thoughts and feelings that manifest in our pounding chest and our blockage to connect with others. If you are here, it is because you want to change this and you want to cope better to overcome those overpowering sensations. The first step is awareness. Awareness of our mind, the mental chatter and that critical voice inside. During our lifetime, we have hard wired mental habits that reinforce the self-defeating beliefs we have been accepting as true about ourselves. So, first of all, we will be shining light on these parts of our mind through practical tools to gain awareness about ourselves. Second, comes action. Action through tools and tips to create connections with others, using non-verbal communication and social skills to feel more confident, reduce social anxiety and create meaningful connections. The awareness and understanding of your thought process will allow for you to feel more confident and comfortable in social situations. The tools and tips you will learn will boost your communication skills and social skills. The intent of this course is to support you in your growth and to overcome the barriers that are stopping you from creating the experiences you want in life. Take this course today and begin your journey of endless possibilities.