Make Money With Multiple Source of Income For Educators

Make Money With Multiple Source of Income For Educators
19.99 USD
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This Course is specifically design for Educators like Teachers, Professors, Trainers who would like to generate income from different sources of income. Why multiple streams of Income is Required? We live in an VUCA (Volatile, Uncertain, Complex, Ambiguous)world. Competition in life is fierce, and everything is subject to change. With many different streams of income, you wont ever be reliant on any one source of income. When it comes to building income streams it’s not easy. It will take a lot of time, effort and systems to make each new income stream work in your overall plan. This course will help you understand what are the different ways in which you can earn money. It helps you to understand your current financial status and non-financial status in life so you can make the most suitable decisions. This course is focused on exploration of various sources of income and does not restrict to promoting some specific types of source of income. Ialso gives you the Seven Step System which is Rinse & Repeat method so that you systematically plan and start to generate income from one source and again repeat the same process for another source of income. It comes with the workbook which will help you to reflect a lot and make informed decision.