Linux Bash Shell Scripting: A Practical way of Learning

Linux Bash Shell Scripting: A Practical way of Learning
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Learning is important but most important is how to explore it. This course is designed in such a way that you can learn as well as explore the entire course module with various industrial projects. Practical approach to learn and explore the shell scripting with various industrial projectsCourse ContentIntroduction of Shell ProgrammingWhat is Bash Shell?Types of Shell available in LinuxAbout Shell ScriptingBash Shell Startup ScriptsUsers Home Directory - .bash profile, .bashrc & .bash logoutShebangCreate a simple Shell ScriptSetting up permissions on a scriptDebug a ScriptThe Shell Variables & EnvironmentBash VariablesEnvironmental VariablesSystem VariablesAssign values to shell variablesCustomize the bash shell environmentsset, env & export command Rules for naming variable nameSimple Script using echo commandQuotingThere are three Type of quoting The double quote (")The single quote (’)The Backslash ()User’s Input via KeyboardRead CommandIFSPractice Lab SessionArithmetic OperationsPerforming Arithmetic OperationsCreate an integer VariableCreate the Constants VariablePath name expansionWildcards [*], ? [.] etcCreate & use aliasesPractice Lab SessionsIndustrial Project to Completely Automate the Pre-validation reportA Shell Script to collect required information from a serverThe Bash ColorWriting Color TextVarious Color Codes for Foreground & Background TextLab Session on Bash ColorScript to fetch the system information i.e system detailsSchedule the script via cronFinal Script to fetch the environment report on a single clickLab SessionConditional Statements (Decision Making)Overview of conditional executionWhat is Condition?Boolean value (True & False)If else statementLab Session on if. else. if. elif. else. fi statementtest commandLogical AND & &Logical OR! The exit status of a commandNumeric ComparisonString ComparisonFile Attributes ComparisonShell Command line parametersPositional parameters via special shell variable $1, $2, $3,$N.Practice Lab SessionBash LoopsOverview of loop statementfor loop statementLab on for loopfor loop using C like Syntaxfor loop using command line argumentsNested for loop statementChessboard using nested loop statementWhile loop statementLab Session - read a text file line-by-line or using IFSinfinite while loopcase statementLab session on case statementCreate a simple menu driven program or automation tool Using Case StatementIndustrial ProjectDiscussed various scripts using for or while loopShell Redirection & Process ManagementInput Output Redirection in LinuxLab Session on redirectionPipelines in Linuxtee commandfile descriptor (fd) to file for outputfile descriptor (fd) to file for inputfile descriptor (fd) for reading & writingPractice Lab SessionOverview of a ProcessForeground & background ProcessVarious Stats of a processLab SessionFunctionsDefining functionsDisplaying functionsNested functionsLab Session - writing functionsCalling functionsLocal & global variablesPassing arguments into a functionreturn statementPractice Lab SessionsAWKIntroduction AwkPattern matchingUser defined variables in awkAwk pre-processingAwk post-processingPractice Lab SessionSED Stream EditorIntroductionReplacing or substituting string. Replacing the nth occurrence of a pattern in a lineReplacing all the occurrence of the pattern in a lineChanging the slash (/) delimiterUsing & as the matched stringDuplicating the replaced line with /p flagReplacing string on a specific line numberReplacing string on a range of linesReplace on a lines which matches a patternDeleting linesAdd a line after a matchAdd a line before a matchLast Lecture