Lightworker Masterclass CERTIFIED

Lightworker Masterclass CERTIFIED
109.99 USD
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{Comes with Magick & Witchcraft Academy e-Certificate of completion}Let there be Light! This online course is designed to teach people how to become a lightworker and bring light and positivity into their lives and the lives of others. The course will cover topics such as understanding the power of light, developing a spiritual practice, and learning how to connect with the divine. It will also provide practical tips on how to use light to heal and bring balance both to oneself and to the world around us. Through practical energy work and visualizations, students will be able to access their inner power and gain the tools necessary to be an effective lightworker. With the help of this course, students will come away with a deeper understanding of how to use light to transform their lives and the lives of others. Imagine a world where everyone awakens to their true abilities that lie within them to help one another live in a more peaceful and harmonious way with the rest of the Universe by bringing the Light of the unseen world into reality. Learn how to see the miraculous that was always there. This course covers training and various practices, such as: Shadow Work for overcoming and accepting your darkness to help you step into your Light and PowerVarious Exercises to help you open up and ground your power of light into the physical worldCreating an Upward Spiral in life and break free from cycles of bad luckClairvoyance for helping to perceive the subtle energies of the UniverseCleansing rooms and spaces from negative energyEnergy Work for Self-Healing yourself and othersObtaining energetic balance and harmonyStrengthening the auraPsychic Self-DefenseCutting Cords to remove negative influences from your life Using Crystals for Energy WorkAn Energy Healing Session DemonstrationDistance Healing2 Different Methods for Working with SpiritsAnd more! May the world come together in peace and spread the Light, and I will be looking forward to seeing you in my course! About the InstructorMatthew, also known as Heart Magic, is an established, professional esoteric teacher from sunny California. A practitioner with over 10 years of experience in teaching and in personal coaching, Matthew realized his connection to psychic intuition and his love for helping people at an early age and became a Tarot reader in his early 20s, helping many people over the years since. Hes worked as an acclaimed Tarot reader around the world, including in London. And has been a guest on multiple radio shows, including the Hermetic Hour, along with working in close cooperation with multiple esoteric publishing houses as an author, editor, and translator. Hes been in the center of various magical communities for many years as well, gaining a reputation for being an expert in his field, who has guided many people along their esoteric path and has helped them to achieve their highest potential. His online courses are focused around heart-centered magic, which helps people to find their own power and to change their reality, along with fulfilling their potential, and manifesting their dreams and desires in life.